Amherst County Personal Property Tax List


Library of Virginia microfilm reels 18 and 19


white tithes/ slaves 16+/ cattle/ horses

frame 4

Rawley Pinn 1031 (1 white (free) tithe, 0 slaves, 3 head of cattle, 1 horse)

frame 8

Philip Going 1093


frame 9

William Heartless 1031

James Heartless 1032

John Redcross 1022

William Ampey 1001

frame 10

Michal Ailstock 1001



white tithables/ slaves 16+/ slaves 12-16/ horses/ cattle


frame 17

Rawley Pinn 10012

frame 21

Philip Going 10038


frame 23

William Clark 10056

George Clark 10020

John Redcross 10010

Henry Hartless 1116/ 17 cattle


frame 25

Edward Brannum 1000



frame 38

Rawley Pinn 10010

frame 39

Edward Branham 1000

frame 41

William Coy 1002

frame 43

Henry Hartless 1116/ 14 cattle

William Ampey 1000

John Redcross 10011

frame 44

William Clark 10046

William Hartless, 1001

George Clark 1003



whites 21+/ whites 16-21/ slaves 16+/ slave under 16/ horses/ cattle


frame 50


Cooper, John 110016

Cooper, Barnett 1001

Clark, Nathaniel 1053

Clark, Zachariah


frame 53

Going, Philip 10025

frame 54

William Hartless 100011

John Redcross 100011

George Clark 100031

Henry Hartless 100074

Clark, William 100044



frame 66

William Clark 10011

frame 67

John Clark 10001

John Cooper 110012

Barnabus Cooper 10011

frame 68

Benjamin Via 10001

frame 69

Evans, Benjamin 100003

Evans, William 113045

Pinn, Rawley 100001

frame 70

John Redcross 1000

William Ampy 10001

William Hartless 100012

Henry Hartless 11006/ 12 cattle

William Clark 10003/ 6 cattle

frame 71

Going, Philip 10002/ 5 cattle

frame 72

Evans, Elizabeth 010026


1787 A, Amherst Parish (First District)

Cooper, Ezekile?

Cooper, John & Barnabus 300024


frame 82

Evans, Elizabeth John Evans 10003/ 10 cattle

Evans, James 10020

frame 83

Going, Philip 100043


1787 B, Lexington Parish

whites chargeable with tax/ names of whites 21+/ whites 16-21/ slaves 16/ slaves 12-16/ horses/ cattle


frame 96

Edward Brannum/ Edward Brannum

frame 97

William Coy/ William Coy 00022 (2 horses/ 2 cattle)


William Clark/ William Clark 00036

George Clark/ George Clark 0001

frame 99

Benjamin Evans/ Benjamin Evans 00004

William Evans/ William Evans & Pendexter Paterson 02055

frame 101

William Hartless/ William Hartless 00016

Peter Hartless/ Peter Hartless 00010

frame 106

Rolley Pinn/ Rolley Pinn 00003 (3 cattle)

John Patterson/ John Patterson 0001

Will Patterson/ Will Patterson 00022

frame 107

John Redcross/ John Redcross


1788 A

whites/ slaves 16+/ slaves 12-16/ horses

frame 118

Cooper, John son Ezekiel 2001

Cooper, Arnabass 1001

frame 121

Philip Going 1002


1788 B (Lexington Parish)

whites/ Negros above 12/ horses


frame 135

Brannum, Edward 100

frame 136

William Coy 102

Clark, George 102

Clark, Micajah 100

Evans, William 423

frame 137

Flora, Peter 1000

Heartless, Henry 414

Heartless, William 101

Heartless, Peter 101

frame 138

Pinn, Rolley 100

frame 139

Redcross, John 101


1789 A

frame 149

Evans, Elizabeth 0003

Evans, James 1000

Going, Philip 1002


1789 B (Lexington Parish)

frame 165

Alestock, Joseph 1001

frame 166

Coy, William 1002

Clark George 1001

Clark, James 1000

Clark, Micajah 1001

frqame 167

Hartless, Peter 1001

Hartless, William 1000

Hartless, Henry 3215

frame 169

Paterson, Elizabeth 0004

Paterson, Jamestown 1000

Pinn, Rolley 1001

frame 170

Redcross, John 1000


1790 A

frame 178

Cooper, Barnett 1002

Cooper, John son Ezekiel 2002

frame 179

Evans, Elizabeth 0003

Evans, James Isaac Bennett 2004

frame 180

Going, Phillip 1002

frame 188

Vier, Benjamin 1000

Vier, John 1002


1790 B

frame 195

Clark, William 1000

Clark, George 1002

Clark, James 1002

Clark, George (son Jos.) 1001

Clark, William Senr. 1003

Clark, Joseph 2002


frame 197

Heartless, William 1001

Heartless, Henry 3215

Heartless, Peter 1002

Redcross, John 1002


1791 A

frame 210

Going, Philip 1003


1791 B (Lexington Parish)

frame 225

Clark, Micajah 4001

Clark, James 1002

Clark, Joseph 1001

Clark, William Jr. 1001

Clark, William Sr. 1004

frame 226

Evans, Charles 1000

Evans, Henry 1001

frame 227

Hartless, Henry 3215

Hartless, William 1001

Hartless, Peter 1001

frame 229

Pinn, Rolley

Redcross, John 1101


1792 A

frame 241

Evans, Charles 1001


1792 B

frame 258

Evans, Charles 1000

frame 259

Hartless, Richard 1000

Hartless, Peter 1002

Hartless, William 1001

Hartless, Henry 1305

frame 261

Pinn, Rawley 1001

frame 262

Redcross, John 1002


1793 A

frame 271

Evans, Charles 1001

frame 272

Going, Philip son William 2003


1793 B

frame 289

Coy, Christopher 1002

frame 290

Coy, William 1002

Clark, William 1004

Clark, George (Little) 1001

Cooper, John 1003


frame 291

Hartless, Henry 1305

Hartless, Richard 1000

Hartless, William 1001


1794 A (Amherst Parish)

frame 305

Evans, Charles 1001

frame 307

Gowen, Philip & son Wm 2004

frame 317

Vier, Benjamin 1001


1794 B

frame 326

Clark, William 2005

Clark, George 1003

Cooper, John 1002

frame 327

Hartless, William 1001

Hartless, Henry 1405

Hartless, Richard 1001

frame 329

Pinn, James 1000

Redcross, John 1001


1795 A

frame 337

Evans, Charles 1001

Gowen, Philip 2004

frame 342

Vier, Benjamin 1001


1795 B

frame 347

Clark, Leonard 2005

Clark, Micajah 1002

Coy, William 1001

Clark, William 3005

frame 348

Clark, James 1001

Coy, Christopher 1001


frame 349

Hartless, William 1102

Hartless, Richard 1001

Hartless, Henry 1405

Hartless, Peter 1002

frame 352

Redcross, John 1000


1796 A

frame 359

Evins, Charles 1000

Going, Philip 2003


1796 B

frame 370

Clark, William 3005

Clark, Leonard 1002

Coy, William 1001

frame 371

Clark, James 1001


frame 372

Hartless, Henry 1406

Hartless, William 1003

Hartless, Richard 1001

Hartless, Peter 1002

frame 374

Redcross, John 1000


1797 A

frame 382

Evins, Charles 1001

Going, Philip 2002


1797 B

frame 393

Clark, Leonard 1002

Clark, George 1000

Clark, William 3005


frame 395

Hartless, Richard 1001

Hartless, Peter 1002

Hartless, Henry Jr. 1001

Hartless, William 1002

Hartless, Henry 1407

Johns, Mallery 1000


1798 A

frame 405

Evins, Charles 2001

frame 406

Evins, Charles 1001

Going, Landon 1000

Going, Philip 2002


1798 B

frame 419

Clark, James 1001

Clark, Leonard 1002

Clark, William 3005

frame 421

Hartless, Peter 1002

Hartless, Henry Jr. 1102

Hartless, William 1001

Hartless, Richard 1102

Hartless, Henry 1316 and a stud horse


1799 A

frame 434

Charles Evins 1002

frame 435

Aaron Going 1000

Landon Going 1000

Philip Going 1002

John Williams (a black man) 1000


1799 B

frame 449

Brannum, Edward 1001

Clark, George 1001

frame 450

Clark, William 4004

Clark, Leonard 1001

Clark, James 2001

frame 452

Hartless, William 1002

Hartless, Henry Sr. 1315 and a stud horse

Hartless, Peter 1001

Hartless, Henry Jr. 1102

Hartless, Richard 1100

frame 453

Johns, Mallory 1000

Johns, William 1000

frame 455

Pinn, Rawley 1001

Redcross, John 100


1800 A

frame 464

Charles Evins 1002

Charles Evins 1001

frame 465

Phillip Going 2003

Landon Going 1000

William Going 1000

Aaron Going 1000


1800 B

frame 478

Brannum, Edward 1001

frame 479

Clark, William (CM) 4005

Clark, James 1002

Clark, George 1000


frame 481

Evans, Elisha 1000

Evans, Pleasant 1000

Evans, Thomas 1000

frame 482

Hartless, Henry 1316 and a stud horse

Hartless, William 1003

Hartless, Richard 1101

Hartless, James 1001

Hartless, Peter 1001

frame 483

Johns, William (or Patterson)

frame 485

Pinn, Rawley 2001

Pinn, James 1000

Pinn, Turner 1000

frame 488

Whitesides, Benjamin 1001


1801 A

frame 498

Evins, Charles 1002

frame 499

Evins, James 1002

Going, William 1001

Going, Samuel 1000

Going, Philip 1002

Going, Landon 1001


1801 B

frame 515

Clark, William (BR) 4005

Cooper, John 2004

Clark, George 1000

Clark, Micajah 3003

frame 516

Evans, Thomas 1000

Evans, Pleasant 1000

frame 510

Hartless, Henry 1315 and a stud horse

Hartless, William 1003

Hartless, Peter 1001

frame 519

Johns, William (or Patterson)

frame 522

Pinn, James 1002

Pinn, Rawley 1001

Pinn, Turner 1000


1802 A

frame 534

Charles Evans 1002

William Gowen 1001

Phillip Gowen 2002

Landon Gowen 1001


1802 B


Brannum, Edward 1000

frame 551

Clark, William B.R. 4005

Cooper, John 2005


frame 553

Evans, Anderson 1000

Evans, Thomas 1000

Evans, Pleasant 1000


frame 554

Hartless, Henry 1508

frame 555

Hartless, Peter 1002

Hartless, William 1002

frame 556

John, William (or Patterson) 1001

Pinn, James 1002

Pinn, Turner 1000

Pinn, Rawley 1001


1803 A

frame 571

Going, Landon, 1001

Going, Philip 1003

Going, William 1001

Going, Samuel 1000


frame 576

Tobias a free Negro 1001


1803 B

frame 584

Branham, Edward 1001

Cooper, John (a black man) 2005

Clark, James 2002

Clark, William (Blue Ridge) 4006

frame 587

Evans, Ambrose 1001

Evans, Thomas 1000

Evans, Richard 1001

Evans, Pleasant 1000

frame 588

Hartless, Henry Junr. 1003

Hartless, William 2002

Hartless, Peter 1001

frame 589

Hartless, Henry, Sen. 1404

Hartless, Richard 1101

Humbles, Richard (a black man) 1001

frame 590

Johns, William (or Patterson) 1000

frame 593

Pinn, Rawley 1001

Pinn, Turner 1001

Pinn, James 1001

frame 594

Redcross, Henry 1000



1804 A

frame 5

Charles Evins 1002

Philip Going 1002

Samuel Going 1001

William Going 1001

Landon Going 1000


1804 B (Lexington Parish)

frame 19

William Beverley 1001

frame 20

Edward Brannum 1000

Cipio a black man 1000

frame 21

John Cooper (a black man) 3005

Clark, Leonard 1002

Clark, James 2002

Clark, William BR 3004

frame 23

Evans, Richard 1000

Evans, Anderson 1001

Evans, Ambrose 1001

Evans, Pleasant 1000

Evans, Henry 1001

Evans, Thomas 1000

frame 24

Hartless, Richard 1113

Harltess, William 3004

frame 25

Hartless, Henry 1002

Harltess, Peter 1002

frame 26

Johns, William P. 1001

frame 29

Pinn, James 1001

Pinn, Rawley 2001

Pinn, Turner 1001


1805 A

frame 44

Charles Evans 1000


frame 45

Philip Going 1002

Saml Going 1001

William Going 1001

Landon Going 1000


1805 B

frame 61

Edward Brannum 1000

Francis Beverley (a black man) 1000

frame 62

James Clark 2005

William Clark 3005

John Clark 1002

John Cooper 2005

frame 63

Leonard Clark 1000

Henry Cousins (a black man) 1000

frame 64

Anderson Evans 1000

frame 65

Henry Evans 1001

Ambrose Evans 1001

Pleasant Evans 1000

Henry Evans 1000

Buck Evans 1001

Richard Evans 1000

Isaac Freeman (A black man) 1000

frame 67

William Hartless 4004

Richard Hartless 1102

The Estate of Henry Hartless 0011

Peter Hartless 1002

The Estate of James Hartless 0003

frame 68

William Johns (or Patterson) 1001


frame 71

Reubin Peters (a black man) 1000

James Pinn 1002

Turner Pinn 1001

Thomas Pinn 1000

William Terry 1001

frame 76

Whitesides, Benja 1002


1806 A

frame 84

Evans, Charles 1003

frame 85

Philip Gowing 2002

Saml Going 1001


1806 B (Lexington Parish)

frame 103

James Clark 2005

William Clark 3005

frame 104

John Cooper 2004

Leonard Clark 1002

a blackman Cipio 1000

frame 105

John Clark 1002

frame 106

Anderson Evans 1001

Ambrose Evans 1001

Pleasant Evans 1000

Buck Evans 1001

Richard Evans 1000

John Evens 1000

Isaac Freeman (a free Negro) 1000

frame 107

Richard Hartless 1015

frame 108

The Est. of James Hartless 0001

Peter Hartless 1002

William Johns (or Patterson) 1000

Jeffery Johns (or Patterson) 1001

frame 111

Reubin Peters (a free negroe) 1001

Thornton Peters (a black man) 1000


1807 A

frame 126

Charles Evans 1001

Charles Evans Waitr ? 1000

frame 128

Philip Gowing 1001

Saml Gowing 1001


1807 B (Lexington Parish)

frame 144

James Clark 1007

William Clark BR 3006

John Cooper 1004

A black man Cipio 1000


frame 145

John Clark 1002

Micajah Clark (son Jas) 1000

Anderson Evans 1000

frame 146

John Evans 1000

Pleasant Evans 1000

Buck Evans 1001

Richard Evans 1000

Ambrose Evans 1001


frame 147

William Hartless 4004

Richard Hartless 1015

The Estate of James Hartless 0001

Peter Hartless 1002

John Hartless 1001

frame 148

Malory Johns or Patterson 1001

frame 151

James Pinn 1002

Thomas Pinn 1001

Turner Pinn 1000

frame 153

William Terry 1001


1809 A

frame 165

James Clark 1007

William Clark BR 4007

John Cooper 1004

frame 166

Micajah Clark (son Jas) 1000


frame 167

James Dean a black man 1000

Thomas Evans 1000

Anderson Evans 1001

Ambrose Evans 1002

John Evans 1000

Richard Evans 1000


frame 168

Linsy Gunn a free Negro 1000

frame 169

William Hartless 1125

William Hartless 4004

Peter Hartless 1002

Eliza Hartless 0001

Hanry Hartless, Junr., 1001

John Hartless 1001

James Johns (or Patterson) 1002

William Johns (or Patterson) 1001


frame 170

a free Negro Isham 1001

Mallory Johns (or Patterson) 1000

frame 171

John Moss a black man 1000

frame 172

James Pinn 2003

Turner Pinn 1001

frame 174

Steller a free negro 1000

Scipio a free negro 1000

frame 176

Benja. Whitesides a free Negro 1001



frame 187

James Clark 2004

John Cooper 1003

frame 188

Micajah Clark (S. James) 1001

James Clark 2004

William Clark BR 4007

Anthony Coy 1001


frame 189

Anderson Evans 1001

Henry Evans 1001

Ambrose Evans 1002

John Evans 1001

Richard Evans 1000

Thomas Evans 1000

frame 190

Lindsay Gunn, free Negro, 1000

frame 191

Richard Hartless 1205

William Hartless 3004

Peter Hartless 1002

Henry Hartless, Jr., 1000

John Hartless 1001

James Hartless 1001


frame 192

William Johns or Patterson 3001

James Johns or Patterson 1000

Mallory Johns or Patterson 1001

Jenny a free Negro 0001

frame 195

James Pinn 1002

Turner Pinn 1001

frame 196

Scipio a free Negro 1000

frame 197

Isham Smith a free Negro 1000

William Terry 1001

frame 198

Benjamin Whitesides, a free Negro, 1002



frame 208

Edward Brannum, man of color, 1001

John Clark, man of color, 1003

James Clark, man of color, 2005

frame 209

William Clark, man of color, 5009

Micajah Clark, man of color, 1001


frame 211

Anderson Evans, man of color, 1001

Pleasant Evans, man of color 1001

Hanry A. Evans, man of color, 1001

Anderson A. Evans, man of color, 1002

John Evans, man of color, 1000

Richard Evans, man of color, 1000

Thomas Evans, man of color, 1000

Jack Fields, man of color, 1000

frame 212

Lindsey Gunn, free Negro, 1001

frame 213

Richard Hartless, man of color, 1010

William Hartless, man of color, 2004

Henry Hartless, man of color, 1000

James Hartless, man of color, 1001

Peter Hartless, man of color, 1002


frame 214

James Johns, man of color, 1001

William Johns, man of color, 2002

Mallory Johns, man of color, 1000

Jenny, free Negroe, 0001

Charles Knapper, free Negro, 1001

frame 216

James Pinn, man of color, 1202

Turner Pinn, Dito, 1102

frame 218

Scipio, free Negro, 1000

frame 219

William Terry, man of color, 1001



frame 230

John Clark, M of C, 1002

James Clark, M of C, 3005

John Cooper Jr., 1000

Wm Clark Man of C 5007

Micajah Clark M of C 1002

fame 232

Pleasant Evans, M of C, 1000

Anderson Evans, M of C, 1001

Henry A. Evans, M of C, 1001

Ambrose A. Evans M of C, 1001

John Evins, M of C, 1000

Richard Evins, M of C, 1000

Juriah Evins W of C, 0001

frame 233

Jack Fields, Man of C, 1000

Maurice Guinea, F Negro, 1001

frame 234

Richard Hartless, M of C, 1000

William Hartless, M of C, 1000

William Hartless, Jr., M of C, 1001

Henry Hartless, M of C, 1000

Peter Hartless, M of C, 1002

Henry Hartless, S.W., 1001

frame 235

James Johns, M of C, 1000

Jenney, F. Negro, 0002

Jefrey Malliry Johns, M of C, 1001

Charles Knapper, F. Negro, 1001

frame 239

Reubin Peter, F. Negro, 1001

James Pinn, Man of C, 1002

Turner Pinn, Man of C, 1002

frame 240

Saulemon Richie, F Negro, 1003

Scippeo, F Negro, 1000

frame 242

William Terry 1001



frame 252

James Clark (Mulatto) 1005

Micajah Clark (Mulatto) 1002


frame 253, William Clark (Mulatto) 3005

George Clark (Mulatto) 1002

William Clark, Jr. (Mulatto) 1003

John Clark (Mulatto) 1003

John Cooper, Junr., Mulatto 1002

James Dean Mulatto 1000

frame 254

Anderson Evans, Mulatto, 1001

Juria Evans Mulatto 0001

Charles Evans, Man of Color, 1000

Henry A. Evans Mulatto 1001

Ambrose Evans Mulatto 2001

Priscilla Foster, Free Negro, 0002

James Foster, Free Negro, 1002

William Foster, Free Negro, 1001

Saml Floyd, M. of Color 1000

Christian Floyd, Wn of Color, 0001

frame 255

William Heartless, Mulatto, 3005

James Heartless, Mulatto, 1001

Henry Heartless, Junr., Mulatto, 1002

frame 256

John Heartless, Mulatto, 1001

William Heartless, Mulatto, 1001

Peter Heartless, Mulatto, 1003

James Johns, Mulatto, 1001

Thomas Johns, Mulatto, 1000

William Johns, Mulatto, 1002

Malory Johns, Mulatto, 1001

Patterson Johns, Mulatto 1000

frame 258

Charles Napper, F. Negro, 1001

frame 259

James Pinn, Mulatto, 1002

Turner Pinn, Mulatto, 1002

frame 260

Solomon Ritchie, Free negro, 1002

Jno Redcross, Mulatto, 1002

Henry Redcross, Mulatto, 1001

frame 261

Robert Simmons, F. Negro 1000

Holland Simmons, F. Negro 1000

Scipio, F. Negro, 1000

Samuel Scott, Mulatto, 1001

John Scott, Mulatto, 1001

frame 262

William Terry, Mulatto, 1002

John Ware, Mulatto, 1000

Benjamin Whitesides, F. Negro, 1001



frame 276

James Hartless 1001

frame 277

Henry Hartless 1001 and a stud horse

John Hartless 1000


frame 284, Free Mulattoes & Negroes

William Johns 2 horses

Samuel Floyd

John Redcross 1 horse

Charles Evans

Sampson Green

Anderson Evans 1 horse

Ambrose Evans & Son 2 horses

Nelson Clarke

Peter Hartless 2 horses

John Kooper 2 horses

Malry Johns 1 horse

William Terry 1 horse

Solomon Richie 3 horses

James Johns 1 horse

Lilly free woman 2 horses

Bob Payne 1 horse

John Charlton 1 horse

Ben Whitesides 1 horse

Ned Branham

Henry Curry

Edward Johns

James Clarke & Son 3 horses

Micajah Clark 2 horses

Juriah Evans (woman) 1 horse

Anthony McCoy

Turner Pinn 2 horses

Jim Pinn 3 horses

John Scott 1 horse

Benj. Scott

Henry A. Evans 1

Patterson Johns 1 horse

Sypio Mays

John Ware

Sam Scott 1 horse


1815 A (1st Hundred)


whites/ slaves 16+/ slaves 12-16/ horses/ cattle


frame 298,

Edward Branham M.C. 00002, 2 free Negroes 16-45 years

frame 299,

John Charleson M.C. 00011 1 free Negro

frame 300,

Anderson Evans M.C. 0001, 1 free Negro

frame 303,

James Johns M.C., 1 free Negro

Patterson Johns, M.C., 1 free Negro

frame 308,

Turner Pinn, M.C., 00014, 1 free Negro

James Pinn, M.C., 00027, 1 free Negro

Isaac Powell, M.C., 1 free Negro

frame 309,

John Redcross, M.C., 00033, 1 free Negro

frame 310,

Samuel Scott, M.C., 0001, 1 free Negro

frame 313,

Benjamin Whitesides, 00015, 1 free Negro


1815 B

frame 326

John Clark (M. color) 1002 + 2 cattle

William Clark, Sr., M. Couler, 2004 + 15 cattle

George Clark, M. Couler, 1001

Henry Clark, M. Couler, 1001

William Clark, M. Couler, 1002 + 5 cattle

James Clark, M. Couler, 2003 + 3 cattle

frame 328

Nathaniel Cooper (M.C.) 1001 + 1 head of cattle, 1 free Negro 16-45, and a gilt silver or pinchback watch.

John Cooper (M.C.) 1001, 1 free Negro

Micajah Clark (M.C.) 1002 + 4 cattle

Nelson H. Clark (M.C.) 1000

frame 330

Ambrose Evans (M.C.) 1000 + 1 cattle, 1 free Negro

frame 332

John Evans (Man of C) 1000, 1 free Negro

Henry Evans (Man of C) 1001, 1 free Negro

frame 334

James Hartless 1000

John Hartless 1000 + 2 cattle

William Hartless 1000 + 1 cattle

Benjamin Hartless 1000 + 1 cattle

Holland a woman of color 1000

frame 336

Malory Johns (M.C.) 1001 + 1 cattle, 1 free Negro

William Johns (M.C.) 1000 + 3 cattle, 1 free Negro

frame 344

Solomon Richey 1002 + 2 cattle, 1 free Negro

William Suttle (M.C.) 1000, 1 free Negro

frame 348

William Terry (MC) 1001 + 3 cattle, 1 free Negro


1816 A

frame 370

Anderson Evans 1000


1816 B

starts with partially damaged page with names beginning with the letter C

frame 396

William Clark, Jr. 1002

John Clark ?002

frame 397

Juriah Evans 0001

William Evans 1003

Poindexter Evans 1000

Charles Evans 1001

frame 398

William Hartless, junr. 1000

William Hartless, Sen., 2003

James Hartless 1000

Henry Hartless 1001


frame 403, Free Negros and Mulattors within the 2nd Hundred

James Clarke's Plantation, over 45 years old, 3002

William Hartless, ditto, ditto, 1000

Peter Hartless, ditto, ditto, 1002

Mallory Johns (Machanic), ditto, 1000

Saml Floyd (overseer for Hill Carter) 1000

John Winters, Miller for D.S. Garland, 1000

Robert Payne, Planter, 1001

Ambrose Payne, ditto, 1000

Micajah Clark, ditto, 1001

Nelson H. Clark, ditto, 1000

William Clark, Sen. (over 45), 1003

William Terry, planter, over 45, 1002

John Evans, Labourer), 1000

Jane a free Negro, ditto, 1001

Reubin Peters, ditto, ditto, 1002


1817 A

frame 418

Joe Humbles M.C. (blank)

frame 436, A List of Free Negroes & Mulattoes

Edward Branham M.C. 1

Saml. Scott M.C. 1

Patterson Johns M.C. 1

James Johns M.C. 1001

Jno. Scott M.C. 0001

Ben Scott M.C.

Jack Hylton M.C. over 45, 0001

Jim Pinn M.C. 2 polls

Turner Pinn M.C. 2

Thomas Johns M.C.

Ben Whitesides M.C. 1001

Joe Humbles M.C.


1817 B

frame 447

Tarleton Evans 1001

Juriah Evans 1001

Anderson Evans 1000

Charles Evans 1000


frame 447

Richard Hartless, Jr., 1000

Henry Hartless 1001

frame 448

William Hartless, Senr., 1003

Benjamin Hartless 1001


1818 A

frame 489, List of Free Negroes & Mulattoes

Edward Branham M.C.

Levin Branham

Saml. Scott

Patterson Johns

Jim Johns 1 horse

Ben Scott

Jack Hylton 1 horse

Jim Pinn 2

Thos. Johns

Ben Whitesides, over 45, 1 horse

Jno. Scott 1 horse


1818 B

frame 503, A List of Mulattoes and free Negroes in the 2nd Hundred

Names, plantations, and age

William Hartless Sr. planter over 45, 1003

Peter Hartless, planter, over 45, 1002

Mallory Johns, ditto, ditto, 1000

William Clark, ditto, ditto, 1002

William Terry, ditto, ditto, 1002

William Johns, ditto, ditto, 1002

Richard Hartless, ditto, ditto, 1046

Samuel Floyd, overseer for Hill Carter, not 45, 1000

William Suttles a hireling, ditto, 1000

Lindsay Gunn, ditto, ditto, 1000

Micajah Clark, planter, ditto, 1002

John Evans, Labourer, ditto, 1000

Solomon Richey, a Free Negro over 45, 1003

Charles Napper, ditto, ditto, waterman, 1000

Jane Napper, ditto, ditto, 0001

Nathl. Parham, ditto, not 45 (hireling) 1000

Hanry Clark, ditto, ditto, 1001

James Clark, ditto, ditto, 1001

Reuben Peters, ditto, ditto, 1002

John Cooper, ditto, over 45, 2002

Joseph Clark, ditto, ditto, not 45, 1000


1819 A

frame 528, A List of Mulattoes & free Negroes in the 1st Hundred

Edward Brannum, planter, over 45 years old, 1001

Levi Brannum, ditto, not 45, 1000

John Cooper, not 45 years old, 1001

Peter Moss, ditto, 1001

Isaac Powell, ditto, 1001

Anthony Pleasants, ditto, 1000

Turner Pinn, ditto, 1000

John Palmore, ditto, 1000

John Scott, ditto, 1001

Saml Scott, ditto, 1001

Ben Whitesides, over 45, 1001

James Dean, Miller, not 45, 1000


1819 B

frame 536

John Carter a free Negro 1000

frame 537

William Clark 1002

George Clark 1001

Henry Clark 1001

James Clark 1001

John Cooper 1002

Micajah Clark 1001

Anderson Evans 1001

frame 538

Henry A. Evans 1001

Ambrose A. Evans 1001

Juriah Evans 0001

Tartleton Evans 1002

Charles Evans 1000

Samuel Floyd 1000

Lindsay Gunn a free Mulatto 1000

frame 539

Richard J. Hartless 1000

Henry Hartless, Jr. 1000

William Hartless 2003

Richard Hartless 1046

James Hartless 1000

Henry Hartless, Sr., 2005

Peter Hartless 1001

John Hartless 1000

William Johns 10001

Mallory Johns 1000

a free Negro woman Jane 0001

frame 541

Charles Napper a free Negro 1001

Robert Paine a free Negro 1000

Reuben Peters a free Negro 1001

Pleasant Peters a free Negro 1000

Ambrose Paine a free Mulatto 1011

Solomon Richey a freee Negro 1003

frame 544

Thomas Winters a free Negro 1000


1820 A

frame 566

Levi Brannam (MC) 1 free Negro

frame 568

Jno Charlton (MC) 0002, 1 free Negro

frame 570

James Dean (MC)

frame 577

Peter Moss (MC) 1 free Negro

John Palmore (MC) 1 free Negro

frame 578

James Pinn (MC) 0202, and 2 free Negroes

Isaac Powell (MC) 0001, and 1 free Negro

frame 579

Turner Pinn (MC) and 1 free Negro

frame 580

Samuel Scot 0001, and 2 free Negroes


1820 B

frame 591

Bob a free Negro 1000

<Note next frames filmed out of sequence, but appear to belong here>

frame 549

Clark, William 1002

Clark, George 1001

Clark, Henry 1000

Clark, James 1001

Clark, Micajah 1001

frame 550

Evans, Anderson 1001

Evans, Charles 1001

Essex, Richard a free Negro 1000

Evans, Henry A. 1001

Evans, Ambrose A. 1000

Evans, Juriah 0001

Evans, Tarlton 1012

Floyd, Samuel 1000

frame 551

Hartless, Benjamin 1001

Hartless, James 1000

Hartless, William 2004

Hartless, Richard 1032

Hartless, Henry, Sr., 2005

Hartless, John 1002

Hartless, Henry Jr., 1000

Hartless, Richard, J., 1000

fframe 553

Hartless, Peter 1001

Jane a free Negro 0001

Johns, Mallory 1001

Johns, William 1001


frame 554

Napper, Charles (free Negro) 1001

Payne, Robert (free Negro) 1010

Payne, Ambrose (free Negro) 1001

Payne, Holland (free Negro) 1001

Peters, Reubin, free Negro 1002

Peters, Pleasant, free Negro, 1001

Ritchey, Solomon, free Negro, 1003



slaves 12+/ horses/ stud horses

frame 597

Clark, George 01 (1 horse)

Clark, James 01

Clark, Micajah 02

Cooper, John 02

frame 558

Clark, Micajah Est. 2/1

frame 599

Evans, Anderson 012

Evans, Charles 01

Evans, Juriah 01

frame 600

Hartless, Benjamin 02

Hartless, William 04

Hartless, Henry Sr. 04

Hartless, Robert 01

frame 601

Hartless, Peter 01

Hartless, Richard 36

frame 601

Johns, Mallory 01

Johns, Patterson 01

Johns, James 01

frame 604

Peters, Reubin 02

Pinn, James 22

Pinn, Turner 01



slaves/ horses

frame 617

Brannum, Edward 01 (1 horse)