Butle Family Data



Charles County Court Record 1701-1704, Liber A, no.2.

10 August 1703

p.249, The Jurors ... (by the Information of Majr. William Boreman) present John Brayfield Late of Charles County planter for that hee ye said John Brayfield at Portobacco did traffick, Barter, or Deale with a Mallatto Servant to ye said William Boreman.

14 September 1703

p.264, Presented John Brayfield ... deal with a Mollatto Servant belonging to Majr. William Boreman ... It appearing to the Court here that the said presentment was not rightly laid &c. Therefore it is considered that a Noli Prosequi be entered and the said John Brayfield be acquitt.


Charles County Court Record 1727-1731, Liber O, no.2.

13 August 1728

p.147, wee also do present a Certain Margrett a Mallatto Liveing with Wm Boarman for having a bastard Child by information of William Chapman Constable.


Charles County Court Record 1734-1739, Liber T, no.2

13 June 1738

p.474, Lord Proprietary vs. Edward Butler, a Slave belonging to Francis Hamersley 2 March 1738 break and enter a Storehouse belonging to Richard Gildart Merchant 15 yards of Cotton holland Linnen of the value of 375 pounds of tobacco 8 yards gingham 220 pounds tobacco 45 yards sheeting Linnon 650 pound one cotton gown 160 pound 20 yards of Irish Linon 300 pound, twenty yards of Plain Dimathy of the Value of one hundred & eighty pounds of tobacco and fifteen yards of Colored Dmathy of the Value of two hundred pounds of tobacco ... set him on the Pillory for the space of 1 hour and thence to Whipping post 39 lashes.


Charles County Court Record 1748-1750, Vol. 42

8 August 1749

p.414, Ordered by the Court to take the Depositions of Richard Edelen, Mary Ruthorn, Mary Jameson and Thomas Osborn to be Used as Evidence for William Neale at suit Edward Butler on his Petition for freedom on giving due Notice to Opposite Party and the Petition Cont. to Novr. Court.


Charles County Court Record 1753-1754, Liber D No.3

14 August 1753

p.75, Present Edward Butler Junior for feloniously Stealing and bearing away one Broad ax the property of Miss.s Benjamin Tindall and Robert Gates by Information of Thomas Skinner.

p.82, comes Edward Butler Junior of Charles County Planter according to a certain recognizance ... 60 pounds ... together with William Parker his main Perner ... his appearance.

pp.84-5, Lord Proprietary vs. Edward Butler, Junr. } Felony convict by verdict ... Edward Butler Junior Labourer one broad ax the value of 200 pounds tobacco the proper broad ax of Benjamin Fendall and Robert Yates ... Jurors do say guilty ... stand in the pillory one hour and to receive thirty nine lashes.

p.94, Andrew Monroe vs. John Butler } trespass upon the case ... judgment by verdict (did not return heifer which strayed) damages two pounds.


13 November 1753

p.186, William Neale vs. Susan Butler } trespass upon the case 1631 pds tobacco agreed


13 August 1754

pp.368-9, John Butler Vs William Parker for Freedom Petition Granted & Petitioner adjudged free with costs ... your Petitioner is Entitled to Freedom not with standing which a certain William Parker of said County detains your Petitioner as his servant your Petitioner therefore prays yr. Worships ... Whereupon all and singular the Premises being by the Court here seen heard & fully understood. It is Therefore Considered by the same Court that the said John Butler be Free. It is likewise further Considered By the same Court that the said John Butler do Recover against the said William Parker One hundred and Two pounds of tobacco for his Costs and Charges by him about his suit in this Part laid out and Expended on his assent by the Court here adjudged.

p.369, Joseph Butler vs William Parker Petition for Freedom ... is entitled to Freedom notwithstanding which a certain William Parker of said County detains your petitioner as his servant ... Joseph Butler be free ... 116 pounds toba costs

p.373, George Keech Jurat to 5 days attendance as an evidence for Susan Butler at suit of William Parker for which he is allowed 110 pounds tobacco.

Summons ordered for Geo. Keech to test. for Susan Butler at suit William Parker.

Same for John Parker, Masom Butler & Mary Mahall to test. for Wm Parker vs. John Butler.

Same for Susan Butler to Test. for the Propry. against Robert & William Parker.

p.389, Lord Proprietary vs. William Parker & Robert Parker } presented William Parker and Robert Parker for a breach of the peace on the body of Susan Butler ... fined the sum of five shillings.


Charles County Court Record 1755-1756, Liber E no.3


9 March 1756

p.398-9, Edward Smoot vs. Mass Butler } trespass upon the case ... sum of 1466 pounds of tobacco for sundry goods


9 March 1756

p.423, William Parker vs Susanah Butler Judgment p. Convict Actionem ... Charles County vs. Susanah Butler late of Charles County Spinster was attached to Answer unto William Parker a plea of Trespass upon the Case and So forth. And Whereupon the same William by Thomas Clark his Attorney Complains that whereas the said Susanah on the Ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty five at Charles County afsd. was indebted to the said William in the sums of sixteen hundred and sixty two pounds of Crop Tobacco & one pound Seven Shillings Currency for divers articles Lying properly in an account as by the Particular Account thereof herewith into court Brought may appear and the said Susanah being so thereof Indebted the afsd. Susanah in Consideration thereof afterwards to wit the day and year afsd. at the County afsd. upon himself Assumed and the said William then and there faithfully promised that the said Susanah the said sums of Sixteen hundred and sixty two pounds crop Tobacco one pound seven shillings Currency to him the said William would well and truly content and pay when thereunto afterwards she should be requested. Nevertheless the said Susanah her Promise and Assumptions afsd. not Regarding but minding and fraudulently Intending him the said William in his Part Craftily and Subtelly to dewe(?) and defraud the said sums of sixteen hundred and sixty two pounds of Crop Tobacco and one pound seven shillings Currency or any Part thereof to the said William hath not paid or him for same in any sort Contented all tho the said Susanah was afterwards to wit on the first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty five afsd. and often before and since at the Count afsd. by him the said William Requested but the same to him neither to so pay or him for the same in any sort to Content hath hither to Altogether Refused and Still doth Refuse to pay the same to the Damage of the said William Three Thousand Three hundred & Twenty four Pounds of Crop Tobacco and Two pounds fourteen Shillings Currency and therefore suit is Brought & so forth.

1755, May 9th Susanah Butler (Molatto)

To paid Thos. Clark Esqr. for you 1500 Pds. Crop Tobo. & 1 pistole 27/ Cur. 1754

To Tobacco Lent you 1486

To paid Wm Scott p. yr. order 425

To paid the Sheriff for yr. present fees & Convict Charges 1103

To Thos. Thompson St. Marys 60

To paid Robert Horner 117

To Ballance due you in Trans. Toba. 1400

(Total) 3113


By 2 Cows & Calves sold for you 800

By Cow do 300

By 2 small steers do 400

By 7 shotes about six months old do 350

By 1 sow & 5 pigs abt. do. 200

By 1 old Lennen Bed do 300

By 1 old Jugg do 50

By 2 small potts do 150

By 51 pds. poork @ 3 pds tobac. p. do 153

By 1 Barrell Indian Corn do 70

By 2 small Pewter Dishes Do 70

By a parcel of Earthen Ware Do 120

By 1 Bushell of Wheat Do 30

By 1 Do of Beans Do 20

By 50 pds of old Iron Do 50

By 3 ps. of old wooden wall Do 40

By 2 old sifters Do 10

(total) 3113

By the Ballance of Trans. Toba. 6 p. Currt.(?) 1324 Crop

Balance Due W.P. in Crop Toba. 1622 & 1/7/0

Errors Excepted p. William Parker

Charles County ss. on the 9th of March 1756 William Parker before me made oath on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that the within Account is Just and True, and that he hath not to his knowledge directly or Indirectly received Either Part of Parcell Security or Satisfaction for the same more then Credit given.

... And the said Susanah by John Hall her Attorney ... saith that she Cannot deny the Action afsd. ... also 185 pounds of tobacco .. Costs


March 1756

p.497, John Semple & Company vs John Butler } docket no.62


Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761 [Archives of Maryland 31:32].

His Excellency having communicated to this Board a Report made to him by the Justices of the Assize of their having passed Sentence of Death in Charles County on ... and likewise against Edward Butler for Robbing Trinity Parish Church. Ordered ... that Pardons issue for ... and Edward Butler.


Charles County Court Record 1757-1758, Liber H, no.3

14 March 1758

p.149, It was commanded take Susanah Butler late of Charles County widow ... to answer William Parker


13 June 1758

pp.407-8, Lord Propry The Jurors ... Present that Charles Butler junr. late of Charles County afsd. Labourer the Slave of James Campbell of Charles County merchant on the Thirteen day of January in the year of our lord one Thousand Seventeen Hundred and fifty Eight in the county afsd. with force and armes the store House of Andrew Buchanan & Company feloniously broke and Entered the said Store House not being Contiguous to or used with any mansion House of Twenty Seven yards of Sagothy of the value of four pounds Current money, Ten yards Irish Linnen of the value of one pound Ten shillings Current money, Two yards of Broad Cloth of the value of one pound Ten shillings Current, money Two Ornies(?) of nuns thread of the value of Three Shillings Current money, sixteen yards of Harns(?) of the value of Sixteen Shillings Current money and seven yards of Striped Holland of the value of one pound five shillings Current money of the proper goods and Chattels of Andrew Buchanan & Company in the same Store house being then and there found then and there feloniously stole tooke and carried away against the Peace of the said Propry his good rule ... Says he is not guilty ...Jurors ... Charles is Guilty of the felony ... lead to the Place of Executions & to be hanged up by the neck until he be dead.


Charles County Inventory of Major William Boarman

Prerogative Court Inventories and Accounts, volume 30, MdHR Roll 68-5, SM13-43, p.60


11 July 1709

1 elderly negroe man named Charles 22

1 old negro man named Robert

1 mallatoe woman slave named Kate 28

1 mallatoe woman slave named Jane 26

2 mallatoe Girles slaves 32

2 mallatoe children slaves 16

1 old Irish woman 8


Inventory of John Sanders

Prerogative Court Inventories 1729-1730, Volume 15, MdHR SR 4333-2, MSA SM11-15, p.634


Negro man Jack 28/0/0

Do. Rumwell

Do. Harry

Do. James

Do. Charles very old & lame 5/0/0

1 Negro woman named Kate 25/0/0

Do. Nan old 22/0/0

Do. Jenny

Do. Betty

1 Negro boy abt. 9 years old Will 16/0/0

" " do. abt. 6 years old Robin

" " do. 3 years old James

1 Mallatto about 2 years old Geo. 6/0/0

1 Negro Girle abt. 12 years old Moll

1 Negro Girle abt. 7 years old Nanny 14/0/0

1 Negro Girle abt. 3 years old Pegg


Provincial Court Judgment Records, 1770-1771, Liber D.D., no. 17, volume 61, part 1, MdHR SR 2522

pp. 233-244


September Term 1770

William Butler & Mary Butler a. Richard Boarman

27 Day of September 1763 the plaintiffs by John Hall their attorney file in Court here the following petition to wit:

The Humble petition of William Butler and Mary Butler sheweth that they are entitled to Freedom, but are detained in a state of perpetual slavery by Richard Boarman of Saint Mary's County planter. Your petitioners therefore desire your Honours to consider their case and lett them at Liberty, and otherwise relieve them in the premises. And as in duty bound they will ever pray. John Hall p. Petitioners

p. 234

at said next court 2nd Tuesday of April 1764 come again as well as the said Richard Boarman by Thomas Johnson Junior his attorney. thereupon the said cause is continued to next court. ... next court ... April 1765 ... come again the parties aforesaid and ruled by the said court that the Depositions of John Branson, Samuel Love, Senior, John Jordan Smith, and Elizabeth Waring be admitted as Evidence on behalf of the defendant. And on giving four days notice of the time and place of Examination to the Complainants, and thereupon the said cause is further continued until next court ... second Tuesday of September 1765 .... second Tuesday of April 1766, come again the parties aforesaid ... continued next court.

Third Tuesday in October 1766 came again the parties and ruled by the said court that the Depositions of all witnesses on both sides to be taken before a magistrate be admitted as Evidence on the Argument of this cause, in case the Evidences are not able to attend, the adverse party given two days notice of the time and place of taking each Deposition. next court.

May 1767 ... October 1767 ... Third Tuesday May 1768 ...

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Third Tuesday October 1768 ... Third Tuesday May 1769 .... Second Tuesday of September 1770 It is considered by the Justices here that the said William Butler and Mary Butler of and from any further servitude to the said Richard Boarman be hence discharged and freed. And it is also considered that the said William and mary Butler recover against the said Richard Boarman the sum of ________ pounds of tobacco by the Court here unto them on their assent adjudged for their costs and charges laid out and expended by occasion of the premises etc.

Thereupon the said Richard Boarman by his attorney aforesaid prays appeal from the Judgment aforesaid ... High Court of appeals ... granted

Copies of the Depositions of the Witnesses taken and admitted as Evidence on the hearing of the aforegoing cause are here annexed.

Charles County September 12, 1767 The Deposition of John Jordan Smith aged about Eighty five years, taken before me the subscriber ... above sixty years ago he was well acquainted with Eloner Butteler, an Irish woman, and negro Charles and that they lived together several years and that they had three children which then lived with them, one named John, one named Sarah, and one named Catherine, and the Deponent further saith that he believes the said John was then between nineteen and twenty years of age, and Sarah about seventeen, and Catherine about fifteen years of age, and this Deponent further saith

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that the said Eloner Butteler used to come several times to his father's house to wash for the family, and further saith that the said Eloner and Charles lived on a plantation of Majr. Boarmnan's and that he saw them several times at the Majr's and further this Deponent saith not. Allen Davis. John Jordan Smith. I further certifie that William Buttler was present when the above Deposition was taken. Allen Davis.

The deposition of Jane Howard aged seventy years or there abouts being sworn ... declares that when this Deponent was ten, eleven, or twelve years of age, she used frequently to be at Major Boarman's house (his wife being godmother to this deponent) and at that time there was in Major Boarman's possession two Mulatto's as slaves, the one a young man named Jack, twenty years of age or thereabouts, the other a well grown young lusty wench named Kate, (both which Mulatto's she this deponent often heard Major Boarman and Nell Butler, an Irish woman, and also several neighbours say the same likewise that they were married. Jean x Howard. The above deposition was taken before me one of the Lordship's Justices for the County aforesaid September 21, 1767.

The Deposition of Thomas Beach, aged seventy eight years ... saith that he knew Irish Nell that the first of his knowing her was at Mr. Leonard Brookes and that she the said Irish Nell appeared to him at that time to be about forty years old, that Nell had a Daughter called Abigail, that when he first knew her she was about nine or ten years old, and lived at Leonard Brookes' and that he the deponent was then about twenty or twenty one years old, and that he often heard that William Butler was the son of the said Abigail and that Irish Nell was a white woman and that when he first knew Irish Nell he was about twenty or twenty one years old. Thomas x Beach 28 October 1767.

William & Mary Butler

a Richard Boarman ... in the Provincial Court May 27, 1767.

Ann Whitehorn aged seventy six years the eleventh day of December next ... saith that William Butler one of the petitioners, is a son of Eleanor Butler's Daughter named Elizabeth, commonly called Abigail, which said Elizabeth, this Deponent saith was near her age, but something younger, that they were girls together, and lived within two miles of each other,

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and that she never knew that the said Eleanor Butler was in a state of slavery that she frequently used to come and see her Children, and stay with them for a month and longer at a time as other free people do, that she never knew or heard that Eleanor Butler was married to a negro, that the said William Butler is, she believes about forty four years old, that the said Elizabeth, mother of the Petitioner has been dead about thirty years, that she knew Eleanor Butler from the time this Deponent was seven years old or thereabouts to the time of the said Eleanor's death, and that she the said Deponent always lived within a mile or two of the Elizabeth commonly called Abigail, Daughter of the said Irish Nell and that the said Eleanor was a Midwife and lived chiefly among the Boarmans in Charles County without being confined to any particular place that she knows of that Eleanor bore three or four Children after this Deponent knew her, and at the time of her first knowing her was a Child bearing woman, that Eleanor she believes was about forty years old when she died but does not know how long it is from her death, that one of the Children which the said Eleanor used to go and see was at Richard Boarman's, that is now but then Leonard Brooke's in Saint Mary's County and another Richard Brookes in Saint Mary's County, that she heard, but don't know from whom that Leonard Brooke's wife was of the family of Sanders, who the wife of Richard Brookes was she never heard, maybe she was a Sly, she thinks she has heard so, and further saith not. Ann x Whitehorn.

In the Provincial Court 27 May 1767.

Samuel Abell, Junior, aged fifty years next March ... deposeth and saith that in April 1764, as well as he can remember he was at Annapolis attending the provincial Court with Mr. Edwards and lodged at one house, and Mr. Richard Boarman the Defendant came to their lodgings and in discourse about the matter now in question the said Boarman told him and Edwards that Lord Baltimore a good many years ago came into this Country to live and brought with him a woman named Butler whose Christian name he do not remember, to wash and iron and boarded her with his Grand Father, and that some time after they had been there, said woman called Butler fell in Love with one of his Grand Father's Negroes and wanted to marry him, and upon my Lord being informed that she wanted to marry the negro, my Lord sent for her in, and chid her, and told her that if she married the negro she would by that means enslave herself, and her posterity, upon which the woman told him that she would rather marry the negro under them circumstances, than to marry his Lordship with his Country, upon which he told her she might go and marry him, and be damned. Accordingly she went and was married to the negro, and of that marriage came these two negroes William and Mary Butler the Petitioners, upon which he this Deponent or Mr. Edwards he don't remember which


of them asked him if there were not a good many of that Family. he said there was about one hundred and twenty of them, but the negroes by their county made near three hundred of them, for that thy had taken even some salt water negroes into their count, and upon asking him how they came to be slaves as they came of a white woman. He said he claimed them by a Law of this province whereby white women marrying of slaves, should become slaves to the house of their Husband's master. And he took out his pockett a paper which he said was a copy of the Act and it appeared to be a copy of an Act and under that Act he claimed them and thinks as well as he can remember, he said Mr. Darnall copyed it for him; afterwards this deponent and Mr. Edwards were talking about the matter and that they would be summoned as Evidences, upon which Mr. Boarman said he only spoke to them as friends and desired they would say nothing about the matter and after they the said Deponant and Edwards, went home several people came to him and asked what the conversation was which passed between him and Boarman, upon which he knew he never told any body, and when he saw Mr. Edwards he asked him how he came to tell of it, he said it was no secret. Mr. Boarman had told it to fifty people besides, and further saith not. Saml. Abell

In the Provincial Court 27 May 1767.

Nathaniel Suit aged forty years the twenty second day of July next ... saith that his father Nathaniel Soot at the time of his death was in the Eighty ninth year of his age, and that he has been dead ten years last April and that about seventeen or eighteen years ago he told his Father that Ned Butler had sued for his freedom and his father said he was a foolish dog wou'd never get free nor none of Irish Nell's Children, for she was married to a negro Fellow of Major Boarman's named Charles, and that enslaved them all, and said he was there when they were married and was a small boy and was there with his mother, and thinks his Father said they wanted him to kiss the Bride, or she wanted to kiss him, or did kiss him, and he runaway, and further saith not. Nathaniel Suit

In the Provincial Court 27 May 1767

William McPherson aged sixty years, the fifth day of September next, being first sworn ... saith that he knew Eleanor Butler, commonly called Irish Nell, about fifty years ago, when Pomphrey John Sanders married Major William Boarman's widow and brought his wife home, he said Irish Nell -

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and a negro Charles at the said Sander's, that he has seen Nell and Charles and that negro Charles called the said Nell his old woman, and she called him her old man, that he never knew of the said Nell being held as a slave, that when Charles went to Saunder's quarter Nell went there also and acted as a Cooke, that Nell appeared to him to be an old woman and bore no children after his knowledge of her, that he knew a Daughter of her's called Kate, that Kate was the mother of Pegg, that Pegg was the mother of Moll, one of the petitioners, that he first knew Kate about forty five years ago, that she then had Children and died about seven or eight years ago, and thinks she must in his judgment have been seventy years old if not more at the time of her death, that Eleanor Butler hath been dead about thirty eight, thirty nine, or forty years ago. that he knew two other Daughters of the said Eleanor called Moll and Nan, that Nan was the youngest of the three and he believes Moll younger that Kate, that John Saunders hired negro Charles to Nasy Boarman, that Eleanor Butler either came with him or followed him there and acted as a free woman and took in Spinning and acted as a midwife, that Charles was afterwards hired to Saunders's son and moved away from Nasy Boarman's, but that Eleanor Butler stayed at Nasy Boarman's till she died, that the said Eleanor appeared to him much broken and an old woman when she died, that when Eleanor first came into the Country she lived with Major William Boarmnan as he heard, that the children of Nell before spoken of in this Deposition were held as slaves, that is Kate by John Baptist Boarman, Pegg by Ignatius Boarman, and Moll was born at Ignatius Boarman's and fell to a son of the said Boarman's called Francis Boarman that he knew Ned Butler pretty near twenty seven or twenty eight years ago, that he was then a man grown and appeared to him to be about twenty eight years old.

Edward Edelen aged fifty years or thereabouts ... saith he heard his father say a little before he died which was seven years next fall, that he was Eighty nine years old, or thereabouts, and that he heard his Father say he went to Major Boarman's one morning, and when he came there he said My Lord Baltimore was there, and then lived there, and he heard Lord Baltimore ask for Eleanor Butler, a servant woman of Major Boarman's, when she came to him he said, I understand you are going to be married to Day to negro Charles, he said to her what a pretty so likely a young Girl as you are should fling herself away so as to marry a negro, and he said not only that, but you'll make slaves of your children and their posterity, and he heard his Father say he did not stay to see them married, but he understood they were married that day and lived together afterwards as man and wife, this Conversation with his father happened about twenty years ago, that he says that his sister married one of the Boarmans who had some of the Descendants of Nell Butler -

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and her Children as he has heard now claims them & further saith not.

In the Provincial Court May 27 1767.

Benjamin Jamerson aged forty Eight years last November being first sworn ... saith that he has heard his mother who is now dead say that she has heard old Madam Witham who is also dead say that she saw Irish Nell or Nell Butler, he's not certain which, married to negro Charles, that the said Charles at that time belonged to old Major Boarman, further he has heard her say she heard old Mrs. Doynes who is also dead say that she was at Major Boarman's when they were married and thinks she see them married, and further has heard her say that she heard one old Ann Short who is also dead say she was at Major Boarman's when they were married and thinks said she seen them married, and also heard old Mrs. Ruthorn who is also dead say that she was at Major Boarman's when the same Nell and Charles as she understood was married, but that she did not see them married, that she heard several people wish them much Joy and that she behaved as a Bride and that he has heard his mother say that she heard many people say that my Lord was at Major Boarman's at the time when they were married and cautioned this Nell Butler against it, that before they were married that if she married negro Charles she would enslave herself, and all her posterity, my Lord asked her how she would like to go to bed to a negro? She answered that she rather go to bed to Charles than with her Lordship, that he heard Mr. Yates who was a Magistrate of Charles County, and now also dead say, that they were married under a Law that made them slaves, that Mr. Yates at the time of his death was about fifty or sixty years old, as he apprehends, that Mr. Yates was not a native of this province as he believes, and was a man when he first saw him to be about twenty or near thirty or more, about seventeen or Eighteen years ago, but that he is unable to form any Judgment of what age he was, and further saith not. Benja. Jameson.

27 May 1767. ... Thomas Bowling aged sixty three years ... saith that in some discourse with his mother who is now dead, I heard her say, that in some discourse with Irish Nell about her marriage with a negro, Irish Nell told her the day she expected to be married, she was early up intending to clean the house out, and a Gentleman whether it was Lord Baltimore, or any other person he can't remember, asked her if she was the girl that was to be married that day to the negro? She said yes,


he then chid her and told her she would put a mark by that upon her children and bring them into Slavery, that if she would marry a white man her children might be a Credit in the world, otherwise they wou'd be in slavery, upon which she fell a crying, and said it was to her Choice, she wou'd rather have Charles than have your Lordship or his Lordship he can't tell which, upon which he said marry him if you will and so were married, and that this Conversation between him and his mother happened about thirty years ago, that he knew Kate a Daughter of Irish Nell who had a Daughter named Pegg who had several children that he understood Jack was the Eldest Child of Irish Nell, that he knew Jack about fifty four or fifty five years ago and then he appeared to be one and twenty years of age and that several young people were with him in the yard who he knew to be about one or two and twenty, and that he appeared to be of their age, he himself that time being six or seven years old, that he always understood the descendants of the said Irish Nell were held in slavery during his remembrance, and that several of them who he knew were held as slaves that he knew Leonard Brooke who he always understood married Major Boarman's daughter and Richard Brooke and his wife Clear which Clear was the Daughter of Major Boarman, that he the Deponent from his infancy lived in the Neighborhood of Boarman's family in Charles County until he was forty years old, and then removed into Prince George's County, that he was nine or ten years old sent him for corn, and then he saw Ned Butler at his master Joseph Piles his house, and that the said Ned Butler was a size bigger than himself, and that he judged him to be a year or two older than himself, that he has heard that one Hubbert was a Roman Priest, and lived in the Neighborhood near Major Boarman, that it was before his time, and that he never saw him as he knows of, that one Haddock succeeded him, and that he knew him very well, and that Mr. Hubbert died an old man, as he has heard, that he does not know whether Nell was a slave or not, for when he knew her she was old and past her Labour. Thomas Bowling.

In the Provincial Court 27 May 1767.

William Simson aged sixty nine years ... saith that as for Irish Nell and her Husband ever since he knew any Body he knew them likewise he knew Kate who came from them, and he knew the Grand son Ned who went for Kate's son, and he the said Ned and himself were pretty near of an age, and were Children and played together, his master put him out to work, and his master got this Deponent to work with him, he kept on to work for some time, and then went away from this Deponent down to his master, Billy Neale, who lived at Kob, that he heard his Father say he was at the wedding at these two old people called Nell Butler and Charles and -

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saw them married, and heard him tell Capt. Redhead he was at the wedding, and a fine wedding it was, the Capt. told his Father she was a foolish woman for marrying the negro, for that it would make herself and her children slaves forever after, and as for the two couple, he used to work abroad and doth not know whether the lived or died slaves that the time he went to work abroad, he was three and twenty, that he remembers Nell Butler and Charles, and they passed as man and wife and called themselves so, and that Charles he believes was a saltwater negro, and always understood was a slave of Major William Boarman, that this Deponent's daughter married Baker Brooke's who had one or two Mulato's who he understood were of this family and that Baker Brooke and his wife were both dead without Children, that Baker Brooke did not get these Mulatto's by his wife, that he knew the people when he was two or three and twenty years old by that they did not come into his walks after he went away to work, being asked how old Nell was, when he first knew her? Said it was a great while ago, and that he don't know, not very old about thirty or perhaps forty years old, that he has heard his father talk of one Mr. Hulbert being a roman Priest, and that he used to preach at a Chappell pretty next Major Boarman's and that this Deponent don't remember ever to have seen him, and further saith not. Wm. Simpson.

In the Provincial Court 27 May 1767.

Joseph Jameson aged fifty two years next December ... saith that he knew Irish Nell very well, that she lived at Mr. Nasy Boarman's within a mine of his Father's, that she had a Daughter living with her, who died as a slave of Mr. Boarman, and being asked how he knew she was a slave? says she worked among the other slaves and lived as they did, she there died, and Mr. Boarman sent for a spade, and he went and gave it out of the mill, and went with them to the place where they put her in the ground, the old woman Nell was lamenting the loss of her Daughter, and said it was the greatest loss she had met with since she was married, some one there bystanding asked her who married her? and she answered one Mr. Hubbert since that about thirty six or thirty seven years ago, Mrs. Doynes happened at his Fathers, Major Boarman's Charles was there of an errand sent, and his mother said to Mrs. Doynes there was Major Boarman's Charles the husband of Eleanor Butler, who Mrs. Doynes said she and Madam Witham saw married, and the morning before they were married my Lord Baltimore then was living at Major Boarman's was pleased to ask this Eleanor Butler whether she was going to be married to negro Charles that day or not? her answer to him was, she was, she hoped she was that day to be married, who said to her, he was surprised she was going to marry a negro which she was likely enough to marry some one of her own Colour, her -

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answer was, she had much rather be married to negro Charles than his Lordship, he then said she did not consider what she was about or going to do, for that she did not bring only slavery upon herself, but all her posterity, that he knew negro Charles and that he was always reputed to be a negro slave of Major William Boarman, that the said negro Charles and Irish Nell were always deemed as man and wife and did acknowledge themselves as such, that he knew several Children of Nell Butler's named Kate, Moll, and Nan, that Kate had a Child named Pegg who was the mother of Moll that he believes Kate at the time of her death was between sixty and seventy years old, that all the Descendants of the said Nell that he knew lived and died slaves. They were working and living as such except the said Kate who he had heard from the neighborhood and one Spalding had purchased her freedom, and further saith not. Joseph Jameson.

In the Provincial Court 27 May 1767.

Mary Crosen aged seventy four years the fifteenth day of February next ... saith that she knew Eleanor Butler a white woman commonly called Irish Nell, that she was settled by Nasy Boarman then a single man with her children at a place where Gerrard Boarman now lives called Zachiah Swamp near the old Bridges, that she lived within two miles of Irish Nell, that she knew some of her Children, one called Kate, the other Moll, that she knew Nell as long as she can remember and that she supposes she was twelve or fourteen years old when she first took an account of her Kate, Nell's Daughter has been dead between six and seven years. Kate had several Children, two of them she knew Jack and Jenny, that Kate was upwards of fifty years old when she died, that Kate and Moll when she first knew them were young women, and that she thinks Kate was fourteen or fifteen years older than herself, but cannot be certain, and that Kate was older than Nan, that she does not know that Nell was a free woman but appeared to her to do as she pleased, that she was a hard labouring body and made good Crops, and she believes Mr. Nasy Boarman's family got them, that she has heard that Kate had a daughter called Pegg to the best of her knowledge, that she has heard that Nell had a Daughter called Abby, and further saith not. Mary x Crosen.

Charles County September 17, 1767.

Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, aged sixty five years ... saith that she knew negro Charles who was a slave to Mr. William Boarman sixty years ago, as also a white woman named Nell, which said slave and white woman she understood from all her acquaintances of them times, to be man and wife, and never heard -


it disputed till some few years ago, and this Deponent further saith that as far back as she can remember she saw a negro man named Jack at Major Wm Boarman's a person who went for the son of the aforesaid Charles and Nell, that she always understood from the Neighbors he was a slave to said Boarman that said Jack runaway from his said Master, that Mr. Boarman's son followed him to Lower parts of Virginia, and that Jack bought his freedom, that he never returned as she knows of. Elizabeth x Warren.

Above deposition was taken at the Instance of Mr. George Boarman in the presence of Negro William Butler this 17 September 1765.

September 18, 1765, Mr. Samuel Love, Senior, aged seventy nine or thereabouts ... sayeth that his mother and grand mother and old Mr. Richard Edelen and several other people about seventy years agoe he has often heard them say that a Negro man slave called John slave to Major William Boarman, was married to Eleanor Butler, and he has often heard it said they always went as man and wife, and the Deponent says he often heard Eleanor Butler call the said negro John her Husband, and he saith he never heard Eleanor Butler had a base born child. Samuel x Love Senr.

Saint Mary's County. The deposition of John Branson aged Eighty two years some time next month .... declares that sixty two years ago he this deponent workt at William Boarman's in Charles County at which time a Mulatto man called Jack was put to work with him which he was informed was a son of a white woman called Irish Nell and at that time he declares that the said Jack was a slave, and that it was occasioned by his mother intermarrying with a slave belonging to the aforesaid William Boarman, and further this deponent saith not. 28 September 1765.