Giles County Register of Free Negroes



Giles County Register of Free Negroes, 1816-1864, Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 63

List of free negroes over 12 years old in 2nd Commissioner in 1863 [frame 45]


Augustus Hunt 31yr

Augustus Vina 27

John Shaver 23 "

Thomas Shaver 27 "

Daniel Shaver 18 "

Joseph Shaver 16 "

Daniel Moss 59 " (Smith)

Jeremiah Moss 29 " "

Wm V. Collins 40 "

Peter Freeman 30 "

Price Collins 43 "


Elizabeth Moss 37 yr

Eliza Moss 34 "

Malvina Moss 25 "

Harriet Moss 19 "

Mary J. Moss 17 "

Harden Collins 35 "

Ann Myers 35

Nancy Medlen 15

George Snidors Commr of Revenue, 2nd district, Giles County

[frame 46]

I Robert Friar of the County of Guilford and State of North Carolina do certify that I have known Gabriel Burns from a small child—he is now supposed to be about 23 or 24 years of age of rather dark complexion in height about five feet seven inches and is a free boy. I knew and still know his mother Tabitha Burns, who is also a free woman of color. Aug. 20 1850

[frame 49]

I Alexander Rutherford of the County of Giles but formerly of Washington Va certify that I have seen the Negro man now in jail and confined as a runaway in the jail of Giles County in the County of Guilford North Carolina. He was then called Gabriel Burns, the name he still has, and aided me in keeping horses, etc. Esquires Smiths on the Alamants in the said county of Guilford…he was recognized as a free man of colour by all…26 October 1855.

Mary Shavers &c Register 16 May 1861 [frame 51]

Ages of Joel Shaver’s Family [frame 52]

Mary Jane Shavers was born June 26th, 1829

Delila Ann Shavers was born April 17th, 1832

Susan Shavers was born April 12th, 1834

Wm Thomas Shavers was born Oct. 18th, 1836

Elwiser Shavers was born June 13th, 1838

John Shavers was born Jany 7th, 1841

Daniel Shavers was born March 26th, 1843

Joel Shavers was born Augt 10th, 1845

Araminta Shavers was born Aprl 29th, 1848

Mandy V. Shavers was born February 20th, 1850 [frame 53]

George Washington Shavers was born August 18th, 1853

Wm Thomas Shavers dark copper color…5’ 9-1/2

List of free Negroes & Mulattoes for the Year 1825 [frame 55]

Names, Sex, Residence, Occcupation, Ages

Benjamin Top, M. Negro, Wolf Creek, Labourer, 50 years old

Rachel Viney, Female Negro, Newriver, Spinster, 60 yr. O..

Hannah Viney, " ", Newriver, Weaver, 35 yr. O.

Abigail Viney, " " , Newriver, Spinster, 23 " "

Mark Viney, Male ", Newriver, Labourer, 40 " "

Jubeter Viney, " ", Newriver, Labourer, 33 " "

Santer Viney, " " , Newriver, Labouer, 28 " "

James Viney, " " , Newriver, Labourer, 25 " "

Joseph Viney, " " , Newriver, Labourer, 21 " "

Solomon Viney, Mulattor ", Peearisburg, Hostler, 18 " "

Saml Viney Malt " , Newriver, Labourer, 17 " "

Daniel Vinny, " " , Newriver, Fisherman, 14 " "

William Viney, " ", Newriver, Fisherman, 11 " "

James Viney, Mail Negro, Newriver, " " , 10 " "

Jefferson Viney, " Mulator, Newriver, " " , 8 " "

Matison Viney, " ", child, 2 " "

Harvy Viney " ", " "

Office Chief Q.M. Dept WVa [Frame 57]

Dublin, March 14, 1864

To the Presiding Justice of Giles County Va

I hereby make requisition upon you for all the free negroes in your county agreeably to act of the General Assembly of Virginia to supploy the places of soldiers now detailed from the ranks as Mechanics and laborers. Notify this office what day you will have them in readines and an agent will be sent for them at once. By command of Major Genl J.C. Breckenridge

A List of free Persons of Colour within the County of Giles for the year 1818 [frame 58]

Names, No., Male & female, place of residence, their age, occupation,

Sarah Holland, 1, female, Clear fork of Guyandot (Guyandotte River), 46, spinster

Philip do, 1, male, same, 24, Labourer

Betsey do, 1, female, same, 29, spinster

Isaac do, 1, male, same, 13, Labourer

John Holland, 1 male, same, 22, Labourer

Winney do, female, same, 11, spinster

Caty do, female, same, 7

Jim do, 1, male, same, 5

Will Johnston, 1, male, same, 44, Labourer

Will Lewis, 1 male, same, 25, do

Rachel Viney, 1, female, N. River, A Johnstons place, 50, spinster

Hannah do, 1, do, same, 30, do

Mark do, 1, Male, same, 28, Labourer

Jupiter, do, 1, do, same, 24, do

Santy do, 1, do, same, 22, do

James, do 1, do, same, 20, do

Abbey do, 1 female, same, 17, spinster

Jo do, 1 male, same, 15

Solomon do, 1, do, same, 13

Sam do, 1, do, same, 9

Daniel do, 1, do, same, 7

Bill do, 1, do, same, 5

Jim, do, 1, do, same, 2

Martin Hendricks, 1, male, on the waters of Stony Crk, 50, Labourer

Bill do, 1, do, same, 18, do

Lacky do, 1, female, same, 16, spinster

John do, 1, male, same, 14 Labourer

Lithey do, 1, female, same, 12, spinster

Coleman do, 1, male, same, 10, Labourer

Chancy do, 1 female, same, 8

Coley do, 1 female, same, 6

Jim do, 1, male, same, 4

30th June 1818

A List of all free Negroes & Malattors with in the County of Giles for the year 1817

Names, Males, females, Residence, occupation, age

Jupiter Vinia, male, on N. River oposite P. Peters, farmer, 26

Rachel Vinia, female, do do, spinster, 18

Hannah Vinia, do, do do, do, 22

Abigail Vinia, do, do do, do, 17

Santia Vinia, male, on 2. Crk at John Bean, farmer, 21

Joseph Vinia, do, on N. River at James Mullin, farmer 12

Solomon Vinia, do, do do, do, 10

Samuel Vinia, do, on N. River oposite P. Peters, do, 8

Wm Vinia, do, do do, do, 6

Daniel Vinia, do, do do,

James Vinia, do, do do,

Will Johnston, Male, do, on Guyandot River at E. McDaniel , farmer, 49

John Holland, do, do do, do, 23

Philip Holland, do, do do, do, 21

Sarah Hollans, female, do do, spinster, 49

Elizabeth Holland, do, do do, do, 13

Isaac Holland, male, do do, - , 11

Winney Holland, female, do do, - , 9

Caty Holland, do, do do, - , 7

James Holland, male, do do, - 3

William Lewis, male, do do, on Guyandot River by G.M. Bane, farmer, 30

Mary Lewis, female, do do, spinster, 23

Mary Lewis junr, do, do do, do, 2

Mahaley Lewis, do, do do, do 4


Benjamin Salisbury, male, do do, farmer

Martin Hendrick, do, Andw Johnstons do, carpenter, 54

Elizabeth Hendrick, female, do do, spinster, 38

Wm Hendrick, male, do do, 15

Soccadiah Hendrick, female, do do, 13

With 7 small ones

No. 35 (total)

A List of free Persons of Colour within the County of Giles for the year 1816 [frame 62]

Names, No., Males & Females, Place of Residence, their age, occupation

Lidge Aaron, 1, male, John Walkers on Richland Cr, 32, Labourer

Sarah Holland, 1, Female, Clear fork Guyandotte by Edward McDonalds, 44, spinster

Philip Holland, 1, male, do do, same same, 22, Labourer

John Holland, 1 male, do do, same same, 20, Labourer

Betsy Holland, 1, female, do do, same same 17, Spinster

Isaac Holland, 1, Male, do do, same same 11, "

Winney Holland, 1, female, do do, 9, "

Katy Holland, 1, female, do do, 5, "

Jim Holland, 1, Male, do do, 3, "

Will Johnston, 1, Male, same same, 42, Labourer

Rachel Viney, 1, female, on N. River at Philip Peters’s place, 49, Spinster

Hannah Viney, 1 Female, same same, 27, Spinster

Jupiter Viney, 1, Male, same same, 22, Labourer

Senty Viney, 1, Male, on Walkers Cr. At John Banes, 18, Labourer

Abbey Viney, 1 Female, N.River at Philip Peters’s place, 14, spinster

Joe Viney, 1 Male, , N. River at James Mullons, 12, "

Solomon Viney, 1 Male, Walker Cr at John Banes, 10, "

Sam Viney, 1 Male, N. River at Philip Peters’s place, 7, "

Daniel Viney, 1, Male, same same, 5, "

Bill Viney, 1, Male, same same, 3, "

Jim Viney, 1, Male, same same, 4 months, "

Total 21, 25 May 1816