Haun, Weynette Parks. 1982. Old Albemarle County, North Carolina, Miscellaneous Records, 1678 to ca 1737. Durham, N.C.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1980. Old Albemarle County, North Carolina, Perquimans Precinct, Births, Marriages, Deaths & Flesh Marks 1659 thru 1820.
MS County Court Minutes 1771-1777; Record of Deeds. Books 1, 6, 7, A, B, C-1. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.005.30001; C.005.4002 & C.005.40001.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Treasurer and Controller's Papers.
Holcolm, Brent, Howard. Anson County, North Carolina, Deed Abstracts, 1749-1766, Abstracts of Wills & Estates, 1749-1795. Columbia, S.C.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Secretary of State Papers (SS 837).
MS Beaufort County Minute, Appearance, Prosecution, & Trial Dockets, County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, 1756-1761, North Carolina State Archives Microfilm # C.009.30001.
MS Beaufort County Court Minutes 1785-1786, 1809-1814, 1824-1829, North Carolina State Archives Microfilm # C.009.3002.
Beaufort County Genealogical Society. 1990. Beaufort County, North Carolina, Will Abstracts, 1720-1868. Washington, NC.
Camin, Betty J. 1984. Beaufort Orphans Book A 1808-1828 (Wills and Estate Record of Beaufort County, North Carolina. Raleigh, N.C.
MS Apprentice Indentures prior to 1750. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 10.101.
MS Real Estate Conveyances, 1722-1784, Vols. A-M. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.010.40001-5.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 10.702.
MS Tax Lists, Secretary of State. SS 837.
MS Colonial Court Records, Taxes & Accounts, 1679-1754, stack file number CCR.190.
Dunstan, Edythe Smith. 1966. The Bertie Index for Courthouse Records of Bertie County, North Carolina, 1720-1875. privately printed.
Gammon, David B. 1986. Records of Estates Bertie County, North Carolina Volume I, 1728-1744, 1762-1790. Raleigh, N.C.
Gammon, David B. 1993. Records of Estates Bertie County, North Carolina Volume II, 1734-1788. Raleigh, N.C.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1976-1984. Bertie County North Carolina County Court Minutes (Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions). Durham, N.C., Book I, 1724-1739, Book II, 1740-1762, Book III, 1763-1771, Book IV 1772-1780, Book V, 1781-1787, Book VI, 1788-1792.
MS Tax Lists, Secretary of State [SS 837].
MS Deeds and Wills photocopied by the Court Clerk of Bladen County.
Bladen County Historical Society. 1784 Tax List Bladen County N.C. Elizabethtown, N.C.
Byrd, William L. 1998. Bladen County, North Carolina Tax Lists, 1768 through 1774, Volume I. Privately printed.
Byrd, William L. 1998. Bladen County, North Carolina Tax Lists, 1775 through 1789, Volume II. Heritage Books, Inc. Maryland.
Philbeck, Miles S. 1985. Surviving Land Warrants and Surveys 1735-1749 and Surviving Land Entries 1743-1761.
Pruitt, A.B. 1989. Abstracts of Land Entries: Bladen County, NC, 1778-1781. Cary, N.C.
MS Tax Lists, General Assembly [GA 11.1], Secretary of State [SS 837].
Pruitt, A.B. 1989. Abstracts of Land Entries: Brunswick County, NC, 1794-1820. Cary, N.C.
MS County Court Minutes, 1792-1812, North Carolina State Archives microfilm reel CR.013.30001.
MS List of Taxables. 2 pamphlets, 1771. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm CR.015.70001.
Holcolm, Brent Howard. 1988. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Minutes 1767-1779. Columbia, S.C.
MS County Court Minutes 1723-1747, 1747-1777. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.019.30001-2.
MS Tax Lists, North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 020.701.10, Secretary of State SS 837.
Pruitt, A.B. 1990. Abstracts of Land Entries: Caswell Co, NC 1778-1795, 1841-1863, and Person Co, NC 1792-1795. Cary, N.C.
MS County Court Minutes, 1774-1841. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.022.30001-3.
Minutes, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1755-1772, North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.024.30001.
MS Record of Deeds Vol. W-1. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.024.40001.
MS Tithables, 1717-1769. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 024.701.2.
MS General Court Docket, 1742-1745, Vols. 36-43. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm *Y.1.10011.
Fouts, Raymond Parker. 1983. Vestry Minutes of St. Paul's Parish, Chowan County, North Carolina, 1701-1776. Cocoa, Fl.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1983. Chowan County, North Carolina, County Court Minutes (Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions), Book I (1730-1745), Book II (1735-1738: 1746-1748), Book III, 1749-1754. Durham, N.C.
Hoffman, Margaret M. 1972. Chowan Precinct North Carolina 1696 to 1723. Genealogical Abstracts of Deed Books. Weldon, N.C.: The Roanoke News Company.
MS Apprentice Indentures, County. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 28.101.1.
MS County Court Minutes, 1758-1766, 1764-1775, 1772-1784, 1784-87. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.028.30004-7.
MS Deeds, photocopied by Ms. Becky Thompson, Register of Deeds, Craven County, New Bern, North Carolina.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1978-1987. Craven County, North Carolina, County Court Minutes (Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions): Book I, 1712-1715, Book II, 1730-1741, Book III, 1742-1748, Book IV, 1749-1756. Durham, N.C.
MS County Court Minutes, Minutes 1755-1844. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.029.30001-5.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Treasurer and Controller's Papers.
MS Tax Lists, Treasurer and Controller's Papers.
MS Deeds and Wills photocopied by the Court Clerk of Currituck County.
Bates, Jo Anna Heath. 1985. The Heritage of Currituck County, North Carolina. Currituck, NC.
Bennett, William Doub. 1994. Currituck County, North Carolina, Eighteenth Century Tax & Militia Records. Baltimore.
Jones, Gordon C. 1982. Abstract of Land Grants, Tax Lists, Orphans Dockets, Inventories and Other Records Currituck and Dare Counties North Carolina.
MS Grantee Index to Deeds 1746-1880, Lenoir, Johnston, Dobbs Co. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm MF.95.
MS County Court Minutes, 1757-1800. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reels 1&2.
Gammon, David B. 1992. Abstract of Wills Edgecombe County, North Carolina Volume I, 1732-1792. Raleigh, N.C.
Gammon, David B. 1989. Records of Estates Edgecombe County, North Carolina Volume I, 1761-1825. Raleigh, N.C.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1985. Edgecombe County North Carolina County Court Minutes, 1744 thru 1762, Book I (Fee Docket 1745-1746) Edgecombe County, Northampton County (Crown Docket 1755-1763) Edgecombe County. Durham, N.C.
Hoffman, Margaret M. 1969. Abstracts of Deeds, Edgecombe Precinct, Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1732 through 1758 as found in Halifax County, North Carolina Public Registry Deed Books 1-2-3-4-5-6. Weldon, N.C.: The Roanoke News Co. repr. 1987.
Watson, Joseph W. 1966. Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1759-1772.
Watson, Joseph W. 1970. Estate Records of Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Rocky Mount, N.C.
Watson, Joseph W. 1984. Abstracts of The Early Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina 1779-1797. Rocky Mount, N.C.
Bradley, Stephen E. 1996. Franklin County, North Carolina Original Wills, vol. I: 1780-1861. Privately printed.
Fouts, Raymond Parker. Minutes of County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Gates County, N.C. 1779-1786; 1787-1793; Vols. I-IV: 1794-1799, 1800-1805, 1806-1811, 1812-1817. Cocoa, Fl.
Taylor, Mona Armstrong. 1987. Abstracts of Deeds Books A-5, Gates County, North Carolina 1776-1803.
MS Apprentice Indentures. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 044.101.2-7.
MS Record of Deeds, 1746-1778, Vol. A., B, C-1, C-2, D-L. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reels 28-33.
MS Wills, Vols. 1-5. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.044.8002-3.
MS County Court Minutes, 1754-1770 & 1766-1795. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reels 2 & 3.
MS Granville County Marriage Bonds. North Carolina State Archives microfilm.
MS Tax Lists, 1755, 1769, 1771, 1780, 1782, 1785, 1786, 1786-1791, 1796-1802, 1803-1809. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.044.70012.
MS Tax Lists, 1767-1823. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reel 162.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 44.701.19-20.
MS Criminal and Civil Action Papers Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color [CR 044.928.15 & CR 44.289.19].
Gwynn, Zae Hargett. 1978. Granville County Guardian Accounts, 1810-1856. Rocky Mount, N.C.
Owen, Thomas McAdory. 190_. Granville County, North Carolina, Notes. Montgomery, Alabama. Library of Congress Microfilm Shelf No. 28037, call no. F262.G85087. (Minutes 1746-1759, 1767-1772, transcribed in 1895 - now missing).
Pruitt, A.B. 1988. Abstracts of Land Entries: Granville Co., N.C. 1778-1877. Cary, N.C.
MS Record of Wills, Vols. 1-6, North Carolina Archives Microfilms C.047.80001, 2.
MS Minutes, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1784-87, 1796-98, 1799-1802, 1822-1824, 1832-1846, 6 Vols. North Carolina Archives Microfilm Reels 1 & 2.
MS The Roanoke Advocate, 5 January 1832 - February 1856. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm HaRA-2.
Bradley, Stephen E., Jr. 1989-1991. The Deeds of Halifax County, North Carolina, 1758-1771, 1771-1786, 1786-1796.
Gammon, David B., 1996. Records of Estates, Halifax County, North Carolina, Volume II, Revised Edition, 1759-1805.
Tax Lists. North Carolina Archives General Assembly Papers GA 30.1 and L.P. 64.1.
Fouts, Raymond Parker. 1993. William Murfree Tax Receipt Book, Hertford County, North Carolina. Cocoa, Fl.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Treasurer and Controller's Papers.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1985. Hyde County, North Carolina County Court Minutes (Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions) 1736-1756, Book I (1736-1756), Book II (1757-1785). Durham, N.C.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives General Assembly Papers GA 64.1.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1980-1988. Johnston County, North Carolina, County Court Minutes (Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions), Book I (1759-1766), Book II (1767-1777), Book III (1778-1786), Book IV (1787-1792). Durham, N.C.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1980-1988. Johnston County, North Carolina, Deed Abstracts, Vol. I, 1759-1771, Vol. II,1764-1791, Vol. III, 1771-1782, Vol. IV, 1779-1794
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1980. Johnston County, North Carolina, Land Entries 1778-1805. Durham, N.C.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives General Assembly Papers GA 30.1.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 065.928.5.
MS Wills 1778-1897, Vol 1-5. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.069.80001.
Watson, Joseph W. 1963. Abstracts of Early Records of Nash County, North Carolina 1777-1859. Rocky Mount, N.C.
New Hanover
MS Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minutes 1738-1769, 1771-1798. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reel 1.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Treasurer and Controllers Papers.
MS Deeds & Wills, Vols. AB, A-C. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reels 26, 27.
Pruitt, A.B. 1990 Abstracts of Land Entries: New Hanover County. Cary, N.C.
MS Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes 1792-96, 1813-21, 1821-25. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm Reels 2 & 3.
MS Real Estate Conveyances Vols. 1-11, 28. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm reels C.071.40001-3, reels 21-22.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives General Assembly Papers GA 46.1.
MS Record of Wills, Vols 1-6. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm Reels 125-6.
MS St. George's Parish Warden Records, 1773-1814. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 71.927.1.
MS Troop Returns. North Carolina State Archives file no. TR 1-3.
Gammon, David B. Records of Estates Northampton County, North Carolina, Volume I.
Hoffman, Margaret M. 1974. 1741-1759, Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, North Carolina Deeds, Public Registry Deed Book One and Deed Book Two. Privately printed.
MS Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes 1734-1778, 1779-1794. North Carolina State Archives Microfilms C.072.30001-2.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file CR 72.703.1, General Assembly Papers GA 11.1, Secretary of State Papers SS 837.
MS Record of Deeds, Vol. 1, 2. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.073.40001.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Treasurer and Controllers Papers T&C 1.
Haun, Weynette Parks. Orange County, North Carolina, Court Minutes, Volume I, 1752-1761; Volume II, 1762-1766. Durham, N.C.
County Court Minutes 1737-1785, North Carolina State Archives microfilm no. C.075.30001.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR.075.701. Secretary of State Papers SS 837.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1981. Pasquotank County, North Carolina, Births, Marriages, Deaths, Brands & Flesh Marks, & County Claims 1691-1833. Durham, N.C.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1983, 1990. Pasquotank County, North Carolina, County Court Minutes 1737-1746 (I), 1747-53 (II). Durham, N.C.
Minutes, Precinct Court, 1688-1693, 1688-1706, 1735-1738; Minutes County Court 1738-1742, 1752-1755, 1759-1761, 1774, 1755-1761, 1784-1789, North Carolina State Archives microfilm no. C.077.30002.
MS Apprentice Indentures. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 077.101.6.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 077.701.1.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1987. Perquimans County, North Carolina County Court Minutes. 1638 thru 1754, Books I & II. Durham, N.C.
MS Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minutes 1792-1802. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.078.30001.
Pruitt, A.B. 1990. Abstracts of Land Entries: Caswell Co, NC 1778-1795, 1841-1863, and Person Co, NC 1792-1795. Cary, N.C.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Secretary of State Papers SS 837.
MS Minutes, County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1779-1808, 5 vols. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.082.30001-2.
Pruitt, A. B. Abstracts of Land Entries: Richmond County, North Carolina: 1780-1795. Cary, N.C.
MS Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Minutes 1797-1843, 1843-1860. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm C.038.30001-2.
MS Wills and Deeds photocopied by the Court Clerk of Robeson County.
Pruitt, A.B. Abstracts of Land Entries: Robeson County, N.C., 1787-1795. Cary, N.C.
Minutes, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (Abstracts), 1753-1795, Vols. 1, 2. North Carolina State Archives microfilm no. C.085.30001.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 085.701.6.
Bizzell. Sampson County Court Minutes 1784-1800.
Absher, Mrs. W. O.. 1985. Surry County, North Carolina, Court Minutes, Volume I & II, 1768-1789. Southern Historical Press.
MS Apprentice Indentures. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 96.102.1.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives Treasurer and Controllers Papers T&C 105, box 1.
MS Apprentice Indentures. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 099.101.1.
MS Tax Lists. North Carolina State Archives stack file no. CR 99.101.1.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1978. Wake County, North Carolina, County Court Minutes (Minutes of Pleas & Quarter Session), Vol. A1, I & II. Durham, N.C.
MS Record of Deeds, Warren County 1764-1787, Vols. A-8; Tax List 1779-1808; Minutes of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1779-1800. North Carolina State Archives microfilms C.100.40001-5, C.100.7001, and C.100.30001.
Gammon, David B. 1988. Records of Estates, Warren County, North Carolina, Volume I, Estates Found in Court Records 1780-1805. Raleigh.
Kerr, Mary Hinton. 1967. Warren County, North Carolina records. Abstracted, indexed and compiled. Warrenton, N.C.
Absher, Mrs. W.O. 1989. Wilkes County, N.C. Will Books One & Two 1778-1811. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.
Absher, Mrs. W.O. 1988. Wilkes County Court Minutes 1778-1788, Volumes I & II, Volumes III & IV. Easley S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.
Absher, Mrs. W.O. 1989. Some Pioneers from Wilkes County, North Carolina. Easley S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.
Pruitt, A.B. Abstracts of Land Entries: Wilkes County. Cary, N.C.
MS Accomack County Court Orders 1663-1777; 1790-6. The Library of Virginia Microfilms 1-9 and 79-85, 88. Personal Property Tax List 1782-1814. The Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 1.
MS Register of Free Negroes photocopied by the Clerk of Accomack County.
Nottingham, Stratton, comp. 1931. Accomack Tithables (Tax Lists) 1663-1695. Onancock, Va.
MS Wills and Deeds No. 1, 1748-1752; Wills 1798-1814; Deed books 5-9; Court Orders 1744-48; 1783-1810; 1828; Criminal Records 1749-1794. LVA microfilm reels 1, 3, 33, 35, 46-50, 100, 235.
Personal Property Tax List, 1782-1813. Library of Virginia microfilm reel 5 and 6.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. 1987. Albemarle County, Virginia, Court Papers, 1744-1783. Richmond.
MS Court Orders 1735-1782, Latter Day Saints Family History Department microfilm no. 30459; Deed Book 1743-1747. LVA microfilm reels 1, 40-43.
MS List of Tithables, Virginia State Archives microfilm reel 55.
Register of Free Negroes 1804-1855, Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 84.
MS Court Orders 1766-1820; Will Book 1-2, 1761-1786; Marriage Register 1763-1852. LVA microfilm reels 17, 27-30, 37, 59.
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1823. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 18, 19.
Houck, Peter, W. 1984. Indian Island in Amherst County. Lynchburg, Virginia: Progress Printing Co., Inc.
McLeRoy, Sherrie S. & William R. 1993. Strangers in Their Midst, The Free Black Population of Amherst County, Virginia. Heritage Books, Inc.
Sweeny, William Montgomery. 1973. Marriage Bonds and Other Marriage Records of Amherst County, Virginia 1763-1800. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company.
Sweeny, Lenora Higginbottom. 1951. Amherst County, Virginia, in the Revolution, Including Extracts from the "Lost Order Book" 1773-1782. Lynchburg, Virginia.
Arlington County
MS Free Negro Register, 1797-1861, Library of Virginia microfilm reel 62. (District of Columbia, Alexandria)
Provine, Dorothy S. 1996. District of Columbia Free Negro Registers 1821-1861. 2 vols. Heritage Books. Bowie, Maryland.
MS Orders 1745-85, 1796-99. Will Books 1745-1787. Free Negro Register 1810-1864. LVA microfilm reels 41-44, 62-67, 70, 229. Personal Property Tax List 1782-1820. LVA reels 23-25.
MS Orders 1754-1806; Deed Book 1799-1806; Register of Free Negroes 1803-1860. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 5, 39-42, 120a. Personal Property Tax List 1782-1816. LVA reels 34-5.
T.L.C. Genealogy. 2000. Bedford County, Virginia Order Book 1, 1754-1761. Miami Beach, Florida.
MS Order Books 1770-1797; Tithables. LVA microfilm reels 27-9, 41. PPTL 1783-1822. LVA microfilm reels 47-48.
MS A List of Free Negroes & Mulattoes 1802-1804 [Orders 1800-1804, Loose Papers] photocopied by the Clerk of Botetourt County.
MS Free Negroes &c Registered in the Clerks office of Botetourt County photocopied by the Clerk of Botetourt County.
MS Orders 1732-1798 Deed Books 1-21, Will Books 2-7, General Index to Deeds, Guardians Accounts 1780-1808. The Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 1-10, 19-22, 29-35.
Wynne, Frances Holloway. 1983. Register of Free Negroes and also Dower Slaves: Brunswick County, Virginia 1803-1850. Fairfax, Virginia.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1953. Marriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns of Brunswick county, Virginia, 1750-1810.
Hopkins, William Lindsay. 1989. Bath Parish Register 1827-1897 of Dinwiddie County and St. Andrew Parish Vestry Book, 1732-1797, of Brunswick County, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia.
MS PPTL 1782-1826. LVA microfilm reels 60-61.
Ward, Roger G. Buckingham County Virginia Records, Land Tax Summaries & Implied Deeds, 1782-1814, Volume 1. Athens, Georgia.
MS Court Orders 1782-1792. LVA reel no. 25. PPTL 1785-1814. LVA reel no. 66. MS Marriage Bonds, 1782-1853. LVA reel nos. 36, 39, 44-6, 48-9. MS List of Free Negroes. Campbell County Courthouse photocopied by Duke University Library.
MS Court Orders 1732-1763, 1777-1789; Deeds 1758-1845. LVA microfilm reels 13-16, 19-22, 6, 62. PPTL 1783-1811, microfilm reels 71-2. Land Tax Books 1782-1812, LVA reel 62.
Dorman, John Frederick. 1965-1990. Caroline County, Virginia Order Book 1732-40, 1740-46, 1746-54, 1755-8, 1759-63, 1765-7. Washington, D.C.
Sparacio, Ruth and Sam. 1989. Order Book Abstracts of Caroline County, Virginia 1765-1778. McLean, Va.: The Ancient Press.
Charles City
MS Deeds, Wills, Orders 1655-1665, 1689-90, 1724/5-1731, 1763-64, 1766-74; Deed Book 4-7; Will Book 1-4; Personal Property Tax List 1783, 1788-1807, 1809-23; Land Tax List 1782-1830. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 23, 68, 78.
MS Court Orders 1650, 1672-73, 1677-79, 1680, 1685, 1687-95, 1737-51, 1751-7, 1758-62, Minutes 1769, 1788-9, 1823-9, 1830-7. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 13-16.
Ayres, Margaret McNeill. 1968. Charles City County, Virginia Order Book 1676-1679. Privately printed.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. III. 1986. Charles City County, Virginia Records 1737-1774. With Several 17th Century Fragments. Privately printed.
MS Court Orders 1765-1799; Loose Papers 1764-1870; Will Books 1765-1805; Deeds 1793-1803; Commissioner of Revenue Memorandum Books 1806-1818; Register of Free Negroes 1794-1865. LVA microfilm reels 3, 16, 22-26, 136-140, 146, 155, 156. PPTL 1782-1813, LVA microfilm no. 80.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1957. Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Charlotte County, Virginia, 1764-1815.
MS Court Orders 1749-1799; Will Books 1-2, 1749-1774; Tithables 1747-1821; Personal Property Tax Lists 1786-1811; Land Tax List 1791-1822; Register of Free Negroes 1804-1830; The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 26, 38-43, 74, 84, 330, 351.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1958. Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Chesterfield County, Virginia, form 1771-1815.
MS Court Minute Book 1763-1764; 1798-1809; Will Book A & B, 1749-1783; Deed Books B-V. The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 2-10, 31, 40, 41. PPTL 1782-1802; 1803-23; Land Tax List 1782-1813. The Library of Virginia reels 78, 89, 90.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1954. Marriages of Culpeper County, Virginia, 1771-1815.
MS Order Books 1749-1801. Will Books 1-2, 1749-92. Virginia State Archive Microfilm Reels, nos. 17, 23-28. Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1816, LVA microfilm no. 93.
MS Order Book 1789-91, Latter Day Saints Family History Department microfilm #31090. Wills 1758-1869, LVA microfilm no. 57.
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1819; Land Tax List 1782-1814. Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 85, 96, 97.
Hughes, Land Records, Dinwiddie County.
Elizabeth City
MS Court Orders 1692-99, 1715-57, 1784-88, 1798-1802; Minutes 1756-60; Court Records 1760-1769. Deeds, Wills, Inventories, 1684-1699, 1715-21, 1723-30; 1737-71. LVA microfilm reels 1-6, 17-19. PPTL 1782-1844. LVA microfilm reel no. 101.
Neal, Rosemary Corley. 1988. Deeds, Wills, Court Orders 1715-1721. Heritage Books, Inc.
Neal, Rosemary Corley. 1986. Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, Etc. 1634, 1659, 1688-1701. Heritage Books, Inc.
von Doenhoff, Marion Ruth. 1957. The Vestry Book of Elizabeth City Parish, 1751-1784. A thesis presented to the faculty of the Department of History of the College of William and Mary.
MS Orders 1692-1799; Deeds, Wills 1699-1721; Wills, Inventories 1717-1730; Will Book 5-12, 1730-1775. Register of Free Negroes 1810-1843. LVA microfilm nos. 1-7, 40-47, 65-86, 119. PPTL 1782-1819. LVA microfilm no. 103.
Dorman, John Frederick. 1961. Essex County, Virginia Wills, Bonds, Inventories, etc. 1722-1730. Washington, D.C.
Sparacio, Ruth and Sam. 1989-1991. Essex County Order Book Abstracts 1695-1729. McLean, Va.: The Ancient Press.
MS Orders 1749-56; Orders 1768-74; 1783-88; Minutes 1756-1765; 1800-1; Free Negro Register 1822-61; Wills 1742-1776. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 27, 37, 38, 38a, 39, 39a, 56.
Sparacio, Ruth and Sam. 1988. Land Records of Long Standing, Fairfax County, Virginia (1742-1770). McLean, Va.: The Ancient Press.
MS Order Books 1784-1788; Minute Books 1768-1784; 1788-1801; Will Books 1759-1796; Register of Free Negroes 1817-1865. LVA microfilm reels 31, 47-52, 115.
PPTL 1782-1819. LVA microfilm reels 110-112.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1993-1996. Minute Book Abstracts of Fauquier County, Virginia 1759-1775. The Antient Press. McLean, Virginia.
List of Free Negroes photocopied by the Court Clerk of Fluvanna County.
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1826. The Library of Virginia microfilm no. 118.
PPTL 1804-1821. LVA microfilm no. 121.
MS Orders 1743-94; Will Books 1748-1794. Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 50-52, 66-76. PPTL 1782-1802. LVA microfilm reel no. 124.
MS Hustings Court Order Books A-G (1782-1819). LVA microfilm reel 21.
Certificates and Registry of Free Negroes, 1790-1862. LVA microfilm reel 103.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1954. Marriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns of Fredericksburg, Virginia 1782-1850.
MS List of Free Negroes, 1816-1864. LVA microfilm no.63.
MS Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1820. Gloucester County Tax Accounts 1770-1771; Land Tax Books 1782-1820. Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 7, 117, 132, 133.
Mason, Polly Cary. 1946. Reprint 1965. Records of Colonial Gloucester County Virginia. A Collection of abstracts from original documents concerning the lands and people of Colonial Gloucester County. vol. I. Berryville, Va.
MS Court Orders 1728-1799; Deeds, Etc., 1728-1796; Various Loose Records 1728-1898; 1730-1940; Tithables 1730-1755, 1756-1766, 1767-1780. Register of Free Negroes 1804-1857. The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 1-6, 21-29, 43, 77-79, 81-83. Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1832. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 136-7
Williams, Kathleen Booth. 1960. Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia 1733-1815.
MS Court Order Book 1793-1794, LVA reel no. 13.
MS PPTL 1794-1827. LVA microfilm no. 139.
MS Deed Books 1, 2; Will Books 1-5, Court Orders 1781-1810, The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 13.
MS Registry of Free Negroes photocopied by the Court Clerk of Greensville County.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1955. Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Greensville County Virginia 1781-1825. Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr. eds. 1989. Greensville County Marriages 1781-1853. Athens, Ga., Iberian Publishing Co.
MS Pleas [Court Orders] Nos. 7-18, 1770-1798; Will Books 1753-1792. Registers of Free Negroes 1802-1831; 1831-1853. LVA microfilm reels 36, 57-61, 83a, 147. Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1812. LVA reels 147, 148.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1957. Marriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns of Halifax County, Virginia, 1753-1800.
TT.L.C. Genealogy. 1998-2000. Halifax County, Virginia Court Orders (Pleas) 1755-1773. Miami Beach, Florida.
MS PPTL 1782-1799; 1800-14, 1815-23, 1824-41. LVA microfilm reels 153-6.
Horton, Vicki Bidinger. 2009. Hampshire County, Virginia, Now West Virginia Book Abstracts, 1788-1802. Baltimore
Sage, Clara McCormick & Laura Sage Jones. 2003 edition. Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia. Baltimore.
MS Court Records [Wills, Deeds, Etc.] 1733-1735. Library of Virginia microfilm reel 2. Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1816; Library of Virginia microfilm reels 159, 160.
Cocke, William Ronald, 1956. Hanover County Taxpayers, Saint Paul's Parish, 1782-1815.
PPTL 1786-1806, Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 163.
Harrison County
PPTL 1785-1818, LVA reel nos. 167 & 8.
MS Court Orders 1678-93, 1694-1701, 1707-9, 1710-4; Minutes 1719-24; Orders 1737-46, 1752-69, 1781-91, 1791-99; Deeds, Wills, Etc. 1677-1718; 1725-1737; 1744-1748; 1748-50; 1750-67; DB 1-8; WB 1-4; Miscellaneous Court Records, Vols. 1-7 [Deeds, Wills, Etc. 1650-1807]; Orphans Court 1677-1739; Register of Free Negroes 1831-1844. The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 1-14, 53, 55-6, 65-72, 113.
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1814; Land Tax List 1799-1816. Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 171, 143.
Lindsay, Joyce H. 1960. Marriages of Henrico County, Virginia, 1680-1808.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. 1977. Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia. Part Two, 1737-1781. Richmond, Va., Privately Printed.
MS Court Orders 1777-97; Will Book 1-3; Deed Book 1-3. LVA reel nos. 1, 14, 20. Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1830, LVA reel no. 175.
Isle of Wight
MS Court Orders 1693-1695, 1746-1797; Record of Deeds, Wills, Etc. 1661-1719; Deeds, Wills, Guardian Accounts Book, 1636-1767. Deeds 1688-1704, 1704-1715; Wills and Accounts 1733-1752; Will Books 1752-1769; Deeds & Wills 1715-1726; A, 1741-1766; Deed Books 13 & 14; Indentures 1782-1833. LVA microfilm reels 1, 2, 3, 8, 22-6, 34, 35 and 90. PPTL 1782-1833. LVA film nos. 178-179.
Boddie, John Bennett. 1973 [1938]. Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County Virginia. Genealogical Publishing.
Chapman, Blanche Adams. 1976. Marriages of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1628-1800.
James City
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1824. Library of Virginia microfilm no. 183.
Duvall, Lindsay O. 1979. Virginia Colonial Abstracts Series 2, Volume 4, James City County, Virginia 1634-1904. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, Inc.
PPTL 1802-1820. LVA microfilm no. 186.
King George
MS Court Orders 1721-1805; Register of Free Person 1785-1799; Wills 1721-1863; Inventories 1721-1744; 1745-1765. The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 5, 13, 14, 16, 22-27, 58, 59, 62. Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1830. The Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 196.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1992. Order Book Abstracts of King George County, Virginia 1721-1728. The Antient Press. McLean, Virginia.
King & Queen County
Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1823. Land Tax List 1782-1812. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 159, 192 and 193.
King William
MS Records Book 1, 1702-1707; Book 2, 1702-6, 1721-2, 1785-6; Book 3-6, 1793-1816; Tax Books 1811-1812, 1815-1816. LVA microfilm reel nos. 1-5, 42. PPTL 1782-1832, 1833-1851; Land Tax List 1782-1811. LVA microfilm reel nos. 164, 198, 199.
MS Court Orders 1696-1799; Judgments 1702-1780. The Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 26-33, 60-78.
MS List of Tithables, 1745-1795. The Library of Virginia Microfilm reel no. 316.
MS Wills 1666-1835. The Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 2-6; 18-21.
PPTL 1782-1839. The Library of Virginia reel no. 200.
Burkett, Brigette. 1999. Lancaster County, Virginia, Register of Free Negroes. Iberian Publishing.
Lee, Ida J. 1972. Lancaster County, Virginia Marriage Bonds, 1652-1850.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1995-1999. Lancaster County, Virginia Order Book, 1678-1706. The Antient Press. McLean, Virginia.
Wheeler, Robert Anthony. 1972. Lancaster County, Virginia, 1650-1750: The Evolution of a Southern Tidewater Community. A thesis presented to the Department of History at Brown University.
Loudoun County
MS Court Orders 1765-1800; General Index to Deeds 1757-1833; Will Books A-C, 1757-1788; Tithables, 1758-1799. Library of Virginia microfilm reel nos. 49, 53, 71-76, 99. PPTL 1782-1825. LVA microfilm reels 207-210.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1997. Loudoun County, Virginia Order Book, 1757-1764. The Antient Press. McLean, Virginia.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1998. Loudoun County, Virginia Tithable Lists, 1770-1774. The Antient Press. McLean, Virginia.
MS Orders 1742-48, 1766-95; WB 1, 2; Judgments 1769-1778; Deeds 1742-1784. LVA microfilm nos. 1-4, 20, 29, 30, 68-73.
MS Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1814, Library of Virginia microfilm no. 213.
Abercrombie, Janice. 1994. Free Blacks of Louisa County, Virginia. Iberian Publishing. Athens, Georgia.
Davis, Rosalie Edith. 1981. Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1743-1785. Manchester, Mo., Heritage Trails.
Davis, Rosalie Edith. 1980. Louisa County, Virginia, 1743-1814: Where Have All the Children Gone? Manchester, Mo.: Heritage Trails.
MS Court Orders 1746-84; 1796-1805; Will Book 1-5. The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 19-20, 25-30, 32.
MS Tax List 1748-1752, The Library of Virginia Accession no.20094.
List of Free Negroes 1815-1820. The Library of Virginia microfilm reel 20.
Free Negro & Slave Records, 1802-1803 ("Free Negro" census). The Library of Virginia.
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1807. Library of Virginia microfilm no. 217.
Bell, Landon C. 1974. Sunlight on the Southside; List of Tithes, Lunenburg County, Virginia 1748-1783. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing.
TLC Genealogy. Lunenburg County Deeds 1746-1790. TLC Genealogy.
Lynchburg City
Free Negro Register, 1805-1813, 1813-1843, Hustings Court. LVA microfilm reel no. 153.
PPTL 1793-1818, LVA microfilm reel no. 220.
PPTL 1793-1818, LVA microfilm reel no. 227.
MS Orders 1765-1815; Deed Book 1-10; Will Book 1-3. LVA microfilm reels 1-5, 23, 34-40. MS Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1828. LVA reel 230-1. Land Tax Lists 1782-1824A. LVA reel 188-9.
MS "Free Person of Color" Registry 1809-1835 photocopied by the Clerk of Mecklenburg County.
T.L.C. Genealogy. Mecklenburg County Deeds 1765-1776. Miami Beach.
Middlesex County
MS Court Orders 1721-26; 1732-86; Wills, Etc. 1675-1798; Deeds 1767-91. Register of Free Negroes 1800-60. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 4, 20-23, 37-41, 74. Personal Property Tax List 1782-1850. Library of Virginia reel 235.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1994-1998. Middlesex County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts, 1673-1721. The Antient Press. McLean, Virginia.
T.L.C. Genealogy. 1997. Middlesex County, Virginia Court Orders 1711-1713. Miami Beach, Fl.
Montgomery County
MS Court Orders 1773-1790. Register of Free Negroes 1823-1847. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 20, 92. PPTL 1787-1812. LVA reel no. 242.
Nelson County
PPTL 1809-1845. LVA microfilm reel no. 245.
New Kent
Personal Property Tax List 1782-1800; 1791-1828. Library of Virginia microfilm reel nos. 246, 246A.
NSCDA, 1904. The Parish Register of St. Peter's, New Kent County, Virginia, 1680-1787. Richmond.
T.L.C. Genealogy. 1992. New Kent County, Virginia Land Tax Lists, 1782-1790. Miami Beach.
MS Orders 1675-1810; Minutes 1820-55; Superior Court of Law, 1820-1831; DB 5-22, 25-6, 30-8, 41-48; WB F-H; WB 3-6; Register of Free Negroes and Mulattoes, 1809-1852. LVA microfilm reels 2-9, 11, 13-20, 46-7, 49-50, 53-60, 67-70, 133, 281. PPTL 1813-24. LVA microfilm reels 247, 249, 250.
MS Norfolk County Register of Free Negroes & Mulattos photocopied by the Court Clerk of Norfolk County.
McIntosh, Charles Fleming. 1914. Brief Abstracts of Norfolk County Wills, 1637-1710.
Wingo, Elizabeth B. 1961. Marriages of Norfolk County, Virginia, 1706-1792.
Wingo, Elizabeth B. and W. Bruce Wingo. 1979-1985. Norfolk County, Virginia, Tithables 1730-1750, 1751-1765, 1766-1780.
Norfolk City
MS Orders 1761-1785. LVA microfilm reel 28.
MS Order Books: 1645-51, 1651-54, 1657-64, 1664-74; Deeds, Wills 1654-1666; Orders, Wills 1674-1710; Orders 1710-1758; Minutes 1754-1783; Orders 1783-1795. Wills & Inventories 1733-1740; Parish Record (Hungar's Parish) 1758-82. LVA microfilm reels 4-5, 27, 27a, 28-30, 46-52, 66. Tithables 1720-23, 1727, 1737, 1744, 1769 in the loose papers at the county courthouse, photocopied by the court clerk.Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1823. The Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 254.
Bell, John B. 1993. Northampton County, Virginia Tithables, 1720-1769. Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland.
Mihalyka, Jean M. 1997. Loose Papers and Sundry Court Cases 1628-1731, Volume I. Hickory House, Eastville, Virginia.
Mihalyka, Jean M. 2000. Loose Papers and Sundry Court Cases 1732-1744/5, Volume II. Hickory House, Eastville, Virginia.
Nottingham, Stratton. 1974. The Marriage Bonds of Northampton County, Virginia, from 1706-1854.
MS Court Order Books, 1678-1797; Record Books 1706-1787; District Court Order Book 1789-1802. The Library of Virginia microfilm reels 3-12, 14, 48-59, 67. PPTL 1782-1849. LVA microfilm reels 256-7.
MS Personal Property Taxes 1782-1813. The Library of Virginia reel 256.
Fleet, Beverley. 1961. Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Northumberland County Record of Births 1661-1810. Washington, D.C.
Nottingham, Stratton. 1976. The Marriage Bonds of Northumberland County, Virginia, from 1783-1850.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1995-1999. Northumberland County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1669-1686. McLean, Virginia.
Nansemond County
PPTL 1815-1837. LVA microfilm reel no. 241.
PPTL 1789-1822. LVA microfilm reel 258.
MS Court Orders 1734-77; 1801-3; Judgments, 1735-1774; Will Book 1 (1735-1744), 2 (1744-1778). LVA microfilm reels 23, 30-33, 69-138. PPTL 1801-1822. LVA microfilm reel no. 263.
Little, Barbara Vines. 1988. Orange County, Virginia Tithables 1734-1782. Orange, Virginia.
Little, Barbara Vines. 1990. Orange County, Virginia Order Book One 1734-1739, Part One 1734-1736. Orange, Virginia.
Sparacio, Sam & Ruth. 1997-1998. Orange County, Virginia Order Book, 1747-1756. McLean, Virginia.
T.L.C. Genealogy. 1994. Orange County, Virginia, Court Orders, 1734-1741: An Every Name Index. Miami Beach, Fl.
Orders 1791-1831; Will Book 1-3. LVA microfilm reel nos. 14, 18. Personal Property Tax List, 1791-1823. LVA reel no. 267.
Personal Property Tax List 1789-1816. LVA reel no. 269
Hustings Court Minutes 1784-1812; Register of Free Negroes & Mulattos, 1794-1819; Hustings Court Deed Books 1-2; Marriages 1785-1850. Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 24, 25, 337.
MS Court Records 1767-1809; Judgments, 1767-1778. LVA microfilm reels 47-51, 115-126, 148-50. PPTL 1782-1823, LVA film no. 271-3.
MS Orders 1777-1804; Deeds & Wills 1809-1898; Deed Books 1 & 2; Register of Free Negroes 1820-65. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 1, 22-4, 45. Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1825. Library of Virginia microfilm reels 277-8.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1957. Marriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns of Powhatan County, Virginia 1777-1830.
Prince Edward
MS Orders 1754-1802; Deed Books 1791-1806; Marriage Bonds 1754-1850. LVA microfilm nos. 4, 5, 21-24, 40.
MS PPTL 1782-1831. LVA microfilm nos. 281-2.
Prince George
MS Court Orders 1714-1720; 1737-40; 1811-14; Deeds, Etc. 1713-1728; Deed Book 1759-60; Deed Book 1787-92; PPTL 1782-1834. Land Tax List 1782-1812. LVA reels 255, 283-4.
Princess Anne
MS Court Orders/ Minutes 1691-1792; Deeds, Wills, Etc. 1691- 1769; Register of Free Negroes 1830-1862. LVA microfilm reels 2-10, 38-41, 43, 75. Personal Property Tax List 1790-1822. LVA microfilm reel no. 292.
Wingo, Elizabeth B. 1961. Reprint 1978. Marriages of Princess Anne County, Virginia 1749-1821.
Prince William
MS Court Orders 1759-63; 1766-9; 1804-6; 1812-4; Will Book C, 1734-1744; List of Tithables 1747. The Library of Virginia microfilm reel nos. 18, 25a, 26 and 33. Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1810. The Library of Virginia microfilm reel 288.
Sparacio, Ruth & Sam. 1988. Prince William County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1752-1767. McLean, Virginia.
Rappahannock County [Old]
MS Court Orders 1683-1695; Records 1677-87; Deeds , Etc. 1682-88. LVA microfilm reels 21, 22.
PPTL 1787-1829. LVA microfilm reel 294a.
MS Orders 1721-32, 1732-39, 1739-46, 1746-52. Will Book 4, 1717-25. Latter Day Saints Family History Department microfilm #33708-33710. Orders 1692-1704, 1752-84; Wills & Inventories 1699-1717; Will Book 4, 1717-25; Miscellaneous Records 1699-1724; Criminal Trials 1710-54. LVA microfilm reels 22, 23, 30, 31, 36-39, 65. PPTL 1782-1829. LVA microfilm reels 296-7
King, George Harrison Sanford. 1966. The Register of North Farnham Parish, 1663-1814, and Lunenburg Parish, 1783-1800, Richmond County, Virginia. Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Sparacio, Ruth & Sam. 1996-1997. Richmond County, Virginia Order Book, 1704-1721. McLean, Virginia.
TLC Genealogy. Richmond County, Virginia Court Orders, 1721-1752: An Every-name Index. TLC Genealogy.
Richmond City
Hustings Court Order Book 1782-87; 1787-92; Hustings Deed Books 1-3, 1782-1803. LVA film nos. 1, 2, 78. PPTL 1787-1834, LVA film nos. 363, 364.
Rockbridge County
MS Orders 1778-1794; Register of Free Negroes 1805-1831. LVA film reels 33, 34, 157. PPTL 1787-1821, LVA film nos. 299-301.
Judgments & Orders, 1778-1804; Register of Free Negroes 1807-1859. LVA microfilm 37-39, 676. PPTL 1795-1813. LVA film no. 305.
MS Orders 1772-4; 1781-6; Minutes 1774-80. LVA microfilm reels 52-3. PPTL 1782-1818. LVA reel 315-6.
MS PPTL 1782-1818. LVA film nos. 315-6.
MS Orders 1749-89; Minutes 1763-5, 1775-8; 1786-1811. County Court Papers 1741-1784. Judgment Papers 1749-1786. Will Book 1-3. Chancery Court Papers 1750-1770. Register of Free Negroes 1794-1832. LVA microfilm reels 16, 25-7, 32, 73, 90, 91, 112-133, 467. MS Personal Property Taxes 1782-1830. LVA reels 320-3.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1955. Marriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns of Southampton County, Virginia 1758-1800.
MS Court Orders 1722-4; 1738-95; Will Book A-C 1722-98; Manuscript Loose Wills A-D. LVA microfilm reels 26-8, 38, 44-7. PPTL 1782-1813. LVA microfilm reel 327.
Sparacio, Ruth & Sam. 1987-8. Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1724-1730; 1730-1746. McLean, Virginia.
T.L.C. Genealogy. 1999. Spotsylvania County Court Orders 1746-48; 1748-50. Miami Beach, Florida.
MS Will Book Liber Z, 1699-1709; Liber M, 1729-48; Liber O, 1748-63; Orders 1712, 1749-55, LVA microfilm nos. 6, 42, 59. PPTL 1782-1813. LVA microfilm reel no. 327.
Sparacio, Ruth & Sam. 1987-8. Stafford County, Virginia Order Book Abstracts 1691-1692, 1664-1668, 1689-1690, 1691-1692, 1692-1693. McLean, Virginia.
MS Orders 1671-1800; Deeds, Wills, 1652-1783; Criminal Proceedings Against Free Persons, Slaves, etc., 1742-1822. LVA microfilms 1-7, 28-34, 61.
MS Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782-1790; 1791-1816, The Library of Virginia microfilms 329, 331.
MS Property Tax Alterations 1782-1810, The Library of Virginia Microfilm.
MS Guardian Accounts Book, 1783-1803. Registry of Free Negroes at back of book. The Library of Virginia Microfilm no. 49.
MS Registry of Free Negroes, 1804-1840. Abstracted by Mrs. Doris Stone at the Surry County Court House.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1986-1992. Surry County, Virginia Court Records, Book I (1652-1663), Book II (1664-1671), Book III (1672-1682), Book IV (1682-1691), Book V (1691-1700), Book VI (1700-1711). Durham, N.C.
Hudgins, Dennis. 1995. Surry County, Virginia Register of Free Negroes. Virginia Genealogical Society.
Knorr, Catherine Lindsay. 1960. Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Surry County, Virginia, 1768-1825.
MS Court Orders 1754-1794. Will Books A-C, 1754-1785. Deed Books A-E, J, K. Court Papers 1754-1779. List of Free Negroes & Mulattoes, 1801-1812. LVA microfilm reels 1, 2, 5, 13, 21-23, 34-80, 82, 90, 92, 221].
MS Personal Property Tax List 1782-1841. Library of Virginia microfilm nos. 333, 334.
MS Certificates granted to Free negroes & mulattoes from October 1800 in conformity of an act of December 1793 photocopied by the Court Clerk of Sussex County.
Haun, Weynette Parks. 1993. Sussex County, Virginia Court Records 1754-1801, Book I, Court of Oyer & Terminer, 1754-1801; Order Book 1754-56. Durham, N.C.
Knorr, 1952. Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Sussex County, Virginia, 1754-1810.
Staunton City
PPTL 1809-1850, LVA microfilm no. 366
MS Court Orders 1713-1714, Minute Book 1748-1762, The Library of Virginia microfilm reel no. 1. PPTL 1782-1820. LVA microfilm reel no. 384.
PPTL 1802-1827. LVA microfilm reel no. 341.
MS Court Orders 1690-1797; Records, Inventories, 1723-1746, 1746-52, 1752-56, 1756-67; Deeds & Wills 1653-1761; 1773-1799; Free Negro Register, 1819-1826; 1828-1849. LVA microfilm reels 1-6, 9-12, 14-15, 29-32, 52-62, 100. PPTL, 1782-1815. LVA reel no. 344.
Dorman, John Frederick. 1962-1988. Westmoreland County, Virginia, Order Books 1675-1689, 1690-1698, 1698-1705. Washington, D.C.: J.F. Dorman.
Nottingham, Stratton. 1928. Reprint 1975. The Marriage License Bonds of Westmoreland County, Virginia, 1786 to 1850.
Williamsburg City
PPTL 1783-1827, LVA microfilm no. 366
PPTL 1802-1830. LVA microfilm reel no. 351.
MS Deeds, Wills, Orders 1633-1813; Deeds 1729-1754; Orders 1788-1803; Personal Property Tax List 1782-1841. Library of Virginia microfilms 1-12, 14, 29-34, 38, 353.
MS Register of Free Negroes 1798-1831; Free Negroes Register 1831-1850 photocopied by the Clerk of York County.
Dorman, John Frederick. 1974-1980. York County, Virginia, Deeds, Orders, Wills, etc., 1687-1697. Washington, D.C.: J.F. Dorman.
Duvall, Lindsay O. 1978. Virginia Colonial Abstracts Series 2, Vol. 5, Wills, Deeds, Orders of York County, Virginia 1657-1659. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press.
Journal of the South Carolina Court of General Sessions, 1769-1776. South Carolina Archives microfilm SC-AR-M-14, AD721.
MS South Carolina Tax Returns 1783-1800, South Carolina Archives microfilm AD-941 and AD-942.
MS Marlboro County, South Carolina, Clerk of Court Minutes of the County; Intermediate; Common Pleas; and Gen Sessions Court. South Carolina Archives Microfilm C258.
MS Fairfield County, South Carolina County Court Minutes of the County Court, 1785-86; 1791-99. South Carolina Archives microfilm C348.
MS Parochial Register of the Parishes of St. Thomas & St. Denis, 1693-1794. Latter Day Saints Microfilm no. 22742.
The Combined Alphabetical Index. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina.
Accelerated Indexing Systems. 1973. South Carolina 1800 Census. Accelerated Indexing Systems.
Brown, Richard Maxwell. 1963. The South Carolina Regulators. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University.
Gregg, Right Rev. Alexander. 1867. History of the Old Cheraws. New York.
Henry, H.M. 1968. The Police Control of the Slave in South Carolina. New York: Negro Universities Press.
Holcolm, Brent Howard. 1980. South Carolina Marriages, 1688-1799. Genealogical Press.
_____. 1996. Petitions for Land from the South Carolina Council Journals, Volume I (1734-1748) Volume III (1752-1753). Columbia, S.C.
Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr. 1977. An Index to Deeds of the Province and State of South Carolina 1719-1785 and Charleston District 1785-1800. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press.
NSCDA. 1916. The Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw. Baltimore.
Salley, A.S., Jr., ed. 1904. Reprint 1971. Register of St. Philips Parish, Charles Town, South Carolina, 1720-1758. University of S.C. Press.
Smith, D.E. Hugger and Salley, A.S., Jr., ed. 1927. Reprint 1971. Register of St. Philips Parish, Charles Town, or Charlestown, South Carolina, 1754-1810. University of S.C. Press.
Warren, Mary Bondurant. 1988. South Carolina Newspapers, Heritage Papers.
MS North Carolina Governor's Office Census of 1784-87. North Carolina State Archives Microfilm S.51.567.
MS North Carolina Census: 1800, 1810, 1820, and 1830. Microfilms M32:29-34; M252:38-43; M33:80-85; M19:121,123.
MS Virginia Census: 1810 and 1820. M252:66-71; M33:130, 140.
MS South Carolina Census: 1810. Microfilms M252:60-62.
Bradley, Stephen E., Jr. 1987. The 1860 Federal Census Halifax County, North Carolina. South Boston, Va.: Privately printed.
Bureau of the Census. 1966 [1908]. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790 - Records of the State Enumerations: 1782 to 1785, Virginia. Baltimore.
Bureau of the Census. 1990 [1908]. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: North Carolina. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Publishing Co.
Bureau of the Census. 1978 [1908]. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: South Carolina. Baltimore.
Bureau of the Census. 1965 [1908]. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: Maryland. Baltimore.
Bureau of the Census. Pennsylvania, First Census 1790.
Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florene Speakman Love. 1987. The 1787 Census of Virginia. An Accounting of the Name of Every White Male Tithable Over 21 Years; the Number of Slaves Over 16 & those Under 16 Years; together with a Listing of their Horses, cattle & Carriages; and also the Names of all Persons to whom Ordinary Licenses and Physician's Licenses were Issued. Springfield, Virginia, Genealogical Books in Print.
Fothergill, Augusta B. and John Mark Naugle. 1986. Virginia Tax Payers 1782-87 Other Than Those Published by the United States Census Bureau. Baltimore.
Yantis, Netti Schreiner. 1971. A Supplement to the 1810 Census of Virginia.
MS Overwharton Parish, Stafford County, Register 1724-1774. Virginia Archives Accession No. 25593.
MS Bruton Parish, James City and York County Register and Baptisms 1739-1797, Burials 1662-1761. The Library of Virginia Miscellaneous Microfilm Reel 448a.
MS Abingdon Parish, Gloucester County, Register.
MS Albemarle Parish, Surry and Sussex County Parish Register, 1739-1778, Latter Day Saints Family History Department microfilm no. 0030161.
MS St. Paul's Parish, King George County, Virginia, Parish Register, 1716-1793. Latter Day Saints Family History Department microfilm no. 0033859.
Bell, Landon C. 1932. Charles Parish, York County, Virginia, History and Registers, Births 1648-1789, Deaths 1665-1787. Richmond: VSLB.
Chamberlayne, Churchill G. 1898. The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-1789. Richmond, Va.: William Ellis Jones Steam Book and Job Printer.
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